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Gets information about a Deployment resource.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_deployment(
  • restApiId (string) --


    The string identifier of the associated RestApi.

  • deploymentId (string) --


    The identifier of the Deployment resource to get information about.

  • embed (list) --

    A query parameter to retrieve the specified embedded resources of the returned Deployment resource in the response. In a REST API call, this embed parameter value is a list of comma-separated strings, as in GET /restapis/{restapi_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}?embed=var1,var2 . The SDK and other platform-dependent libraries might use a different format for the list. Currently, this request supports only retrieval of the embedded API summary this way. Hence, the parameter value must be a single-valued list containing only the "apisummary" string. For example, GET /restapis/{restapi_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}?embed=apisummary .

    • (string) --
Return type



Response Syntax

    'id': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'apiSummary': {
        'string': {
            'string': {
                'authorizationType': 'string',
                'apiKeyRequired': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages. A deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the Internet.

    • id (string) --

      The identifier for the deployment resource.

    • description (string) --

      The description for the deployment resource.

    • createdDate (datetime) --

      The date and time that the deployment resource was created.

    • apiSummary (dict) --

      A summary of the RestApi at the date and time that the deployment resource was created.

      • (string) --

        • (dict) --

          • (string) --

            • (dict) --

              Represents a summary of a Method resource, given a particular date and time.

              • authorizationType (string) --

                The method's authorization type. Valid values are NONE for open access, AWS_IAM for using AWS IAM permissions, CUSTOM for using a custom authorizer, or COGNITO_USER_POOLS for using a Cognito user pool.

              • apiKeyRequired (boolean) --

                Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.


  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException
  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException
  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.UnauthorizedException
  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException
  • APIGateway.Client.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException