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This operation returns the time series data collected by a Contributor Insights rule. The data includes the identity and number of contributors to the log group.

You can also optionally return one or more statistics about each data point in the time series. These statistics can include the following:

  • UniqueContributors -- the number of unique contributors for each data point.
  • MaxContributorValue -- the value of the top contributor for each data point. The identity of the contributor might change for each data point in the graph. If this rule aggregates by COUNT, the top contributor for each data point is the contributor with the most occurrences in that period. If the rule aggregates by SUM, the top contributor is the contributor with the highest sum in the log field specified by the rule's Value , during that period.
  • SampleCount -- the number of data points matched by the rule.
  • Sum -- the sum of the values from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.
  • Minimum -- the minimum value from a single observation during the time period represented by that data point.
  • Maximum -- the maximum value from a single observation during the time period represented by that data point.
  • Average -- the average value from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_insight_rule_report(
    StartTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    EndTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
  • RuleName (string) --


    The name of the rule that you want to see data from.

  • StartTime (datetime) --


    The start time of the data to use in the report. When used in a raw HTTP Query API, it is formatted as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss . For example, 2019-07-01T23:59:59 .

  • EndTime (datetime) --


    The end time of the data to use in the report. When used in a raw HTTP Query API, it is formatted as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss . For example, 2019-07-01T23:59:59 .

  • Period (integer) --


    The period, in seconds, to use for the statistics in the InsightRuleMetricDatapoint results.

  • MaxContributorCount (integer) -- The maximum number of contributors to include in the report. The range is 1 to 100. If you omit this, the default of 10 is used.
  • Metrics (list) --

    Specifies which metrics to use for aggregation of contributor values for the report. You can specify one or more of the following metrics:

    • UniqueContributors -- the number of unique contributors for each data point.
    • MaxContributorValue -- the value of the top contributor for each data point. The identity of the contributor might change for each data point in the graph. If this rule aggregates by COUNT, the top contributor for each data point is the contributor with the most occurrences in that period. If the rule aggregates by SUM, the top contributor is the contributor with the highest sum in the log field specified by the rule's Value , during that period.
    • SampleCount -- the number of data points matched by the rule.
    • Sum -- the sum of the values from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.
    • Minimum -- the minimum value from a single observation during the time period represented by that data point.
    • Maximum -- the maximum value from a single observation during the time period represented by that data point.
    • Average -- the average value from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.
    • (string) --
  • OrderBy (string) -- Determines what statistic to use to rank the contributors. Valid values are SUM and MAXIMUM.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'KeyLabels': [
    'AggregationStatistic': 'string',
    'AggregateValue': 123.0,
    'ApproximateUniqueCount': 123,
    'Contributors': [
            'Keys': [
            'ApproximateAggregateValue': 123.0,
            'Datapoints': [
                    'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'ApproximateValue': 123.0
    'MetricDatapoints': [
            'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'UniqueContributors': 123.0,
            'MaxContributorValue': 123.0,
            'SampleCount': 123.0,
            'Average': 123.0,
            'Sum': 123.0,
            'Minimum': 123.0,
            'Maximum': 123.0

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • KeyLabels (list) --

      An array of the strings used as the keys for this rule. The keys are the dimensions used to classify contributors. If the rule contains more than one key, then each unique combination of values for the keys is counted as a unique contributor.

      • (string) --
    • AggregationStatistic (string) --

      Specifies whether this rule aggregates contributor data by COUNT or SUM.

    • AggregateValue (float) --

      The sum of the values from all individual contributors that match the rule.

    • ApproximateUniqueCount (integer) --

      An approximate count of the unique contributors found by this rule in this time period.

    • Contributors (list) --

      An array of the unique contributors found by this rule in this time period. If the rule contains multiple keys, each combination of values for the keys counts as a unique contributor.

      • (dict) --

        One of the unique contributors found by a Contributor Insights rule. If the rule contains multiple keys, then a unique contributor is a unique combination of values from all the keys in the rule.

        If the rule contains a single key, then each unique contributor is each unique value for this key.

        For more information, see GetInsightRuleReport.

        • Keys (list) --

          One of the log entry field keywords that is used to define contributors for this rule.

          • (string) --
        • ApproximateAggregateValue (float) --

          An approximation of the aggregate value that comes from this contributor.

        • Datapoints (list) --

          An array of the data points where this contributor is present. Only the data points when this contributor appeared are included in the array.

          • (dict) --

            One data point related to one contributor.

            For more information, see GetInsightRuleReport and InsightRuleContributor.

            • Timestamp (datetime) --

              The timestamp of the data point.

            • ApproximateValue (float) --

              The approximate value that this contributor added during this timestamp.

    • MetricDatapoints (list) --

      A time series of metric data points that matches the time period in the rule request.

      • (dict) --

        One data point from the metric time series returned in a Contributor Insights rule report.

        For more information, see GetInsightRuleReport.

        • Timestamp (datetime) --

          The timestamp of the data point.

        • UniqueContributors (float) --

          The number of unique contributors who published data during this timestamp.

          This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        • MaxContributorValue (float) --

          The maximum value provided by one contributor during this timestamp. Each timestamp is evaluated separately, so the identity of the max contributor could be different for each timestamp.

          This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        • SampleCount (float) --

          The number of occurrences that matched the rule during this data point.

          This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        • Average (float) --

          The average value from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.

          This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        • Sum (float) --

          The sum of the values from all contributors during the time period represented by that data point.

          This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        • Minimum (float) --

          The minimum value from a single contributor during the time period represented by that data point.

          This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.

        • Maximum (float) --

          The maximum value from a single occurence from a single contributor during the time period represented by that data point.

          This statistic is returned only if you included it in the Metrics array in your request.


  • CloudWatch.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterValueException
  • CloudWatch.Client.exceptions.MissingRequiredParameterException
  • CloudWatch.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException