

Returns detailed status for each member account within an organization for a given organization Config rule.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_organization_config_rule_detailed_status(
        'AccountId': 'string',
  • OrganizationConfigRuleName (string) --


    The name of your organization Config rule for which you want status details for member accounts.

  • Filters (dict) --

    A StatusDetailFilters object.

    • AccountId (string) --

      The 12-digit account ID of the member account within an organization.

    • MemberAccountRuleStatus (string) --

      Indicates deployment status for Config rule in the member account. When management account calls PutOrganizationConfigRule action for the first time, Config rule status is created in the member account. When management account calls PutOrganizationConfigRule action for the second time, Config rule status is updated in the member account. Config rule status is deleted when the management account deletes OrganizationConfigRule and disables service access for .

      Config sets the state of the rule to:

      • CREATE_SUCCESSFUL when Config rule has been created in the member account.
      • CREATE_IN_PROGRESS when Config rule is being created in the member account.
      • CREATE_FAILED when Config rule creation has failed in the member account.
      • DELETE_FAILED when Config rule deletion has failed in the member account.
      • DELETE_IN_PROGRESS when Config rule is being deleted in the member account.
      • DELETE_SUCCESSFUL when Config rule has been deleted in the member account.
      • UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL when Config rule has been updated in the member account.
      • UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS when Config rule is being updated in the member account.
      • UPDATE_FAILED when Config rule deletion has failed in the member account.
  • Limit (integer) -- The maximum number of OrganizationConfigRuleDetailedStatus returned on each page. If you do not specify a number, Config uses the default. The default is 100.
  • NextToken (string) -- The nextToken string returned on a previous page that you use to get the next page of results in a paginated response.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'OrganizationConfigRuleDetailedStatus': [
            'AccountId': 'string',
            'ConfigRuleName': 'string',
            'ErrorCode': 'string',
            'ErrorMessage': 'string',
            'LastUpdateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • OrganizationConfigRuleDetailedStatus (list) --

      A list of MemberAccountStatus objects.

      • (dict) --

        Organization Config rule creation or deletion status in each member account. This includes the name of the rule, the status, error code and error message when the rule creation or deletion failed.

        • AccountId (string) --

          The 12-digit account ID of a member account.

        • ConfigRuleName (string) --

          The name of Config rule deployed in the member account.

        • MemberAccountRuleStatus (string) --

          Indicates deployment status for Config rule in the member account. When management account calls PutOrganizationConfigRule action for the first time, Config rule status is created in the member account. When management account calls PutOrganizationConfigRule action for the second time, Config rule status is updated in the member account. Config rule status is deleted when the management account deletes OrganizationConfigRule and disables service access for .

          Config sets the state of the rule to:

          • CREATE_SUCCESSFUL when Config rule has been created in the member account.
          • CREATE_IN_PROGRESS when Config rule is being created in the member account.
          • CREATE_FAILED when Config rule creation has failed in the member account.
          • DELETE_FAILED when Config rule deletion has failed in the member account.
          • DELETE_IN_PROGRESS when Config rule is being deleted in the member account.
          • DELETE_SUCCESSFUL when Config rule has been deleted in the member account.
          • UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL when Config rule has been updated in the member account.
          • UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS when Config rule is being updated in the member account.
          • UPDATE_FAILED when Config rule deletion has failed in the member account.
        • ErrorCode (string) --

          An error code that is returned when Config rule creation or deletion failed in the member account.

        • ErrorMessage (string) --

          An error message indicating that Config rule account creation or deletion has failed due to an error in the member account.

        • LastUpdateTime (datetime) --

          The timestamp of the last status update.

    • NextToken (string) --

      The nextToken string returned on a previous page that you use to get the next page of results in a paginated response.


  • ConfigService.Client.exceptions.NoSuchOrganizationConfigRuleException
  • ConfigService.Client.exceptions.InvalidLimitException
  • ConfigService.Client.exceptions.InvalidNextTokenException
  • ConfigService.Client.exceptions.OrganizationAccessDeniedException