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Returns the list of all log groups that are being monitored and tagged by DevOps Guru.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_monitored_resources(
        'ResourcePermission': 'FULL_PERMISSION'|'MISSING_PERMISSION',
        'ResourceTypeFilters': [
  • Filters (dict) --

    Filters to determine which monitored resources you want to retrieve. You can filter by resource type or resource permission status.

    • ResourcePermission (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The permission status of a resource.

    • ResourceTypeFilters (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      The type of resource that you wish to retrieve, such as log groups.

      • (string) --
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value.
  • NextToken (string) -- The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'MonitoredResourceIdentifiers': [
            'MonitoredResourceName': 'string',
            'Type': 'string',
            'ResourcePermission': 'FULL_PERMISSION'|'MISSING_PERMISSION',
            'LastUpdated': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'ResourceCollection': {
                'CloudFormation': {
                    'StackNames': [
                'Tags': [
                        'AppBoundaryKey': 'string',
                        'TagValues': [
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • MonitoredResourceIdentifiers (list) --

      Information about the resource that is being monitored, including the name of the resource, the type of resource, and whether or not permission is given to DevOps Guru to access that resource.

      • (dict) --

        Information about the resource that is being monitored, including the name of the resource, the type of resource, and whether or not permission is given to DevOps Guru to access that resource.

        • MonitoredResourceName (string) --

          The name of the resource being monitored.

        • Type (string) --

          The type of resource being monitored.

        • ResourcePermission (string) --

          The permission status of a resource.

        • LastUpdated (datetime) --

          The time at which DevOps Guru last updated this resource.

        • ResourceCollection (dict) --

          A collection of Amazon Web Services resources supported by DevOps Guru. The two types of Amazon Web Services resource collections supported are Amazon Web Services CloudFormation stacks and Amazon Web Services resources that contain the same Amazon Web Services tag. DevOps Guru can be configured to analyze the Amazon Web Services resources that are defined in the stacks or that are tagged using the same tag key . You can specify up to 500 Amazon Web Services CloudFormation stacks.

          • CloudFormation (dict) --

            An array of the names of Amazon Web Services CloudFormation stacks. The stacks define Amazon Web Services resources that DevOps Guru analyzes. You can specify up to 500 Amazon Web Services CloudFormation stacks.

            • StackNames (list) --

              An array of CloudFormation stack names.

              • (string) --
          • Tags (list) --

            The Amazon Web Services tags that are used by resources in the resource collection.

            Tags help you identify and organize your Amazon Web Services resources. Many Amazon Web Services services support tagging, so you can assign the same tag to resources from different services to indicate that the resources are related. For example, you can assign the same tag to an Amazon DynamoDB table resource that you assign to an Lambda function. For more information about using tags, see the Tagging best practices whitepaper.

            Each Amazon Web Services tag has two parts.

            • A tag key (for example, CostCenter , Environment , Project , or Secret ). Tag keys are case-sensitive.
            • An optional field known as a tag value (for example, 111122223333 , Production , or a team name). Omitting the tag value is the same as using an empty string. Like tag keys , tag values are case-sensitive.

            Together these are known as key -value pairs.


            The string used for a key in a tag that you use to define your resource coverage must begin with the prefix Devops-guru- . The tag key might be DevOps-Guru-deployment-application or devops-guru-rds-application . When you create a key , the case of characters in the key can be whatever you choose. After you create a key , it is case-sensitive. For example, DevOps Guru works with a key named devops-guru-rds and a key named DevOps-Guru-RDS , and these act as two different keys . Possible key /value pairs in your application might be Devops-Guru-production-application/RDS or Devops-Guru-production-application/containers .

            • (dict) --

              A collection of Amazon Web Services tags.

              Tags help you identify and organize your Amazon Web Services resources. Many Amazon Web Services services support tagging, so you can assign the same tag to resources from different services to indicate that the resources are related. For example, you can assign the same tag to an Amazon DynamoDB table resource that you assign to an Lambda function. For more information about using tags, see the Tagging best practices whitepaper.

              Each Amazon Web Services tag has two parts.

              • A tag key (for example, CostCenter , Environment , Project , or Secret ). Tag keys are case-sensitive.
              • An optional field known as a tag value (for example, 111122223333 , Production , or a team name). Omitting the tag value is the same as using an empty string. Like tag keys , tag values are case-sensitive.

              Together these are known as key -value pairs.


              The string used for a key in a tag that you use to define your resource coverage must begin with the prefix Devops-guru- . The tag key might be DevOps-Guru-deployment-application or devops-guru-rds-application . When you create a key , the case of characters in the key can be whatever you choose. After you create a key , it is case-sensitive. For example, DevOps Guru works with a key named devops-guru-rds and a key named DevOps-Guru-RDS , and these act as two different keys . Possible key /value pairs in your application might be Devops-Guru-production-application/RDS or Devops-Guru-production-application/containers .

              • AppBoundaryKey (string) --

                An Amazon Web Services tag key that is used to identify the Amazon Web Services resources that DevOps Guru analyzes. All Amazon Web Services resources in your account and Region tagged with this key make up your DevOps Guru application and analysis boundary.


                The string used for a key in a tag that you use to define your resource coverage must begin with the prefix Devops-guru- . The tag key might be DevOps-Guru-deployment-application or devops-guru-rds-application . When you create a key , the case of characters in the key can be whatever you choose. After you create a key , it is case-sensitive. For example, DevOps Guru works with a key named devops-guru-rds and a key named DevOps-Guru-RDS , and these act as two different keys . Possible key /value pairs in your application might be Devops-Guru-production-application/RDS or Devops-Guru-production-application/containers .

              • TagValues (list) --

                The values in an Amazon Web Services tag collection.

                The tag's value is an optional field used to associate a string with the tag key (for example, 111122223333 , Production , or a team name). The key and value are the tag's key pair. Omitting the tag value is the same as using an empty string. Like tag keys , tag values are case-sensitive. You can specify a maximum of 256 characters for a tag value.

                • (string) --
    • NextToken (string) --

      The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If there are no more pages, this value is null.


  • DevOpsGuru.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • DevOpsGuru.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • DevOpsGuru.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • DevOpsGuru.Client.exceptions.ValidationException