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Creates a new subnet group. subnet groups must contain at least one subnet in at least two Availability Zones in the Amazon Web Services Region.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.create_db_subnet_group(
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
  • DBSubnetGroupName (string) --


    The name for the subnet group. This value is stored as a lowercase string.

    Constraints: Must contain no more than 255 letters, numbers, periods, underscores, spaces, or hyphens. Must not be default.

    Example: mySubnetgroup

  • DBSubnetGroupDescription (string) --


    The description for the subnet group.

  • SubnetIds (list) --


    The Amazon EC2 subnet IDs for the subnet group.

    • (string) --
  • Tags (list) --

    The tags to be assigned to the subnet group.

    • (dict) --

      Metadata assigned to an Amazon DocumentDB resource consisting of a key-value pair.

      • Key (string) --

        The required name of the tag. The string value can be from 1 to 128 Unicode characters in length and can't be prefixed with " aws: " or " rds: ". The string can contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white space, '_', '.', '/', '=', '+', '-' (Java regex: "^([\p{L}\p{Z}\p{N}_.:/=+\-]*)$").

      • Value (string) --

        The optional value of the tag. The string value can be from 1 to 256 Unicode characters in length and can't be prefixed with " aws: " or " rds: ". The string can contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white space, '_', '.', '/', '=', '+', '-' (Java regex: "^([\p{L}\p{Z}\p{N}_.:/=+\-]*)$").

Return type



Response Syntax

    'DBSubnetGroup': {
        'DBSubnetGroupName': 'string',
        'DBSubnetGroupDescription': 'string',
        'VpcId': 'string',
        'SubnetGroupStatus': 'string',
        'Subnets': [
                'SubnetIdentifier': 'string',
                'SubnetAvailabilityZone': {
                    'Name': 'string'
                'SubnetStatus': 'string'
        'DBSubnetGroupArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DBSubnetGroup (dict) --

      Detailed information about a subnet group.

      • DBSubnetGroupName (string) --

        The name of the subnet group.

      • DBSubnetGroupDescription (string) --

        Provides the description of the subnet group.

      • VpcId (string) --

        Provides the virtual private cloud (VPC) ID of the subnet group.

      • SubnetGroupStatus (string) --

        Provides the status of the subnet group.

      • Subnets (list) --

        Detailed information about one or more subnets within a subnet group.

        • (dict) --

          Detailed information about a subnet.

          • SubnetIdentifier (string) --

            Specifies the identifier of the subnet.

          • SubnetAvailabilityZone (dict) --

            Specifies the Availability Zone for the subnet.

            • Name (string) --

              The name of the Availability Zone.

          • SubnetStatus (string) --

            Specifies the status of the subnet.

      • DBSubnetGroupArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB subnet group.


  • DocDB.Client.exceptions.DBSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsFault
  • DocDB.Client.exceptions.DBSubnetGroupQuotaExceededFault
  • DocDB.Client.exceptions.DBSubnetQuotaExceededFault
  • DocDB.Client.exceptions.DBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs
  • DocDB.Client.exceptions.InvalidSubnet