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You can modify several parameters of an existing EBS volume, including volume size, volume type, and IOPS capacity. If your EBS volume is attached to a current-generation EC2 instance type, you might be able to apply these changes without stopping the instance or detaching the volume from it. For more information about modifying EBS volumes, see Amazon EBS Elastic Volumes (Linux instances) or Amazon EBS Elastic Volumes (Windows instances).

When you complete a resize operation on your volume, you need to extend the volume's file-system size to take advantage of the new storage capacity. For more information, see Extend a Linux file system or Extend a Windows file system.

You can use CloudWatch Events to check the status of a modification to an EBS volume. For information about CloudWatch Events, see the Amazon CloudWatch Events User Guide. You can also track the status of a modification using DescribeVolumesModifications. For information about tracking status changes using either method, see Monitor the progress of volume modifications.

With previous-generation instance types, resizing an EBS volume might require detaching and reattaching the volume or stopping and restarting the instance.

After modifying a volume, you must wait at least six hours and ensure that the volume is in the in-use or available state before you can modify the same volume. This is sometimes referred to as a cooldown period.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.modify_volume(
  • DryRun (boolean) -- Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .
  • VolumeId (string) --


    The ID of the volume.

  • Size (integer) --

    The target size of the volume, in GiB. The target volume size must be greater than or equal to the existing size of the volume.

    The following are the supported volumes sizes for each volume type:

    • gp2 and gp3 : 1-16,384
    • io1 and io2 : 4-16,384
    • st1 and sc1 : 125-16,384
    • standard : 1-1,024

    Default: The existing size is retained.

  • VolumeType (string) --

    The target EBS volume type of the volume. For more information, see Amazon EBS volume types in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide .

    Default: The existing type is retained.

  • Iops (integer) --

    The target IOPS rate of the volume. This parameter is valid only for gp3 , io1 , and io2 volumes.

    The following are the supported values for each volume type:

    • gp3 : 3,000-16,000 IOPS
    • io1 : 100-64,000 IOPS
    • io2 : 100-64,000 IOPS

    Default: The existing value is retained if you keep the same volume type. If you change the volume type to io1 , io2 , or gp3 , the default is 3,000.

  • Throughput (integer) --

    The target throughput of the volume, in MiB/s. This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes. The maximum value is 1,000.

    Default: The existing value is retained if the source and target volume type is gp3 . Otherwise, the default value is 125.

    Valid Range: Minimum value of 125. Maximum value of 1000.

  • MultiAttachEnabled (boolean) -- Specifies whether to enable Amazon EBS Multi-Attach. If you enable Multi-Attach, you can attach the volume to up to 16 Nitro-based instances in the same Availability Zone. This parameter is supported with io1 and io2 volumes only. For more information, see Amazon EBS Multi-Attach in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide .
Return type



Response Syntax

    'VolumeModification': {
        'VolumeId': 'string',
        'ModificationState': 'modifying'|'optimizing'|'completed'|'failed',
        'StatusMessage': 'string',
        'TargetSize': 123,
        'TargetIops': 123,
        'TargetVolumeType': 'standard'|'io1'|'io2'|'gp2'|'sc1'|'st1'|'gp3',
        'TargetThroughput': 123,
        'TargetMultiAttachEnabled': True|False,
        'OriginalSize': 123,
        'OriginalIops': 123,
        'OriginalVolumeType': 'standard'|'io1'|'io2'|'gp2'|'sc1'|'st1'|'gp3',
        'OriginalThroughput': 123,
        'OriginalMultiAttachEnabled': True|False,
        'Progress': 123,
        'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'EndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VolumeModification (dict) --

      Information about the volume modification.

      • VolumeId (string) --

        The ID of the volume.

      • ModificationState (string) --

        The current modification state. The modification state is null for unmodified volumes.

      • StatusMessage (string) --

        A status message about the modification progress or failure.

      • TargetSize (integer) --

        The target size of the volume, in GiB.

      • TargetIops (integer) --

        The target IOPS rate of the volume.

      • TargetVolumeType (string) --

        The target EBS volume type of the volume.

      • TargetThroughput (integer) --

        The target throughput of the volume, in MiB/s.

      • TargetMultiAttachEnabled (boolean) --

        The target setting for Amazon EBS Multi-Attach.

      • OriginalSize (integer) --

        The original size of the volume, in GiB.

      • OriginalIops (integer) --

        The original IOPS rate of the volume.

      • OriginalVolumeType (string) --

        The original EBS volume type of the volume.

      • OriginalThroughput (integer) --

        The original throughput of the volume, in MiB/s.

      • OriginalMultiAttachEnabled (boolean) --

        The original setting for Amazon EBS Multi-Attach.

      • Progress (integer) --

        The modification progress, from 0 to 100 percent complete.

      • StartTime (datetime) --

        The modification start time.

      • EndTime (datetime) --

        The modification completion or failure time.