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Lists the applications associated with a specific Amazon Web Services account. You can provide the unique identifier of a specific runtime environment in a query parameter to see all applications associated with that environment.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_applications(
  • environmentId (string) -- The unique identifier of the runtime environment where the applications are deployed.
  • maxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of applications to return.
  • names (list) --

    The names of the applications.

    • (string) --
  • nextToken (string) -- A pagination token to control the number of applications displayed in the list.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'applications': [
            'applicationArn': 'string',
            'applicationId': 'string',
            'applicationVersion': 123,
            'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'deploymentStatus': 'Deploying'|'Deployed',
            'description': 'string',
            'engineType': 'microfocus'|'bluage',
            'environmentId': 'string',
            'lastStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'name': 'string',
            'status': 'Creating'|'Created'|'Available'|'Ready'|'Starting'|'Running'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Failed'|'Deleting'|'Deleting From Environment',
            'versionStatus': 'Creating'|'Available'|'Failed'
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • applications (list) --

      Returns a list of summary details for all the applications in a runtime environment.

      • (dict) --

        A subset of the possible application attributes. Used in the application list.

        • applicationArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.

        • applicationId (string) --

          The unique identifier of the application.

        • applicationVersion (integer) --

          The version of the application.

        • creationTime (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the application was created.

        • deploymentStatus (string) --

          Indicates either an ongoing deployment or if the application has ever deployed successfully.

        • description (string) --

          The description of the application.

        • engineType (string) --

          The type of the target platform for this application.

        • environmentId (string) --

          The unique identifier of the runtime environment that hosts this application.

        • lastStartTime (datetime) --

          The timestamp when you last started the application. Null until the application runs for the first time.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the application.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the application.

        • versionStatus (string) --

          Indicates the status of the latest version of the application.

    • nextToken (string) --

      A pagination token that's returned when the response doesn't contain all applications.


  • MainframeModernization.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • MainframeModernization.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • MainframeModernization.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • MainframeModernization.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException