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Describes an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels dataset. You can get information such as the current status of a dataset and statistics about the images and labels in a dataset.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:DescribeDataset action.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_dataset(
DatasetArn (string) --


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset that you want to describe.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'DatasetDescription': {
        'CreationTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'LastUpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'StatusMessage': 'string',
        'StatusMessageCode': 'SUCCESS'|'SERVICE_ERROR'|'CLIENT_ERROR',
        'DatasetStats': {
            'LabeledEntries': 123,
            'TotalEntries': 123,
            'TotalLabels': 123,
            'ErrorEntries': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • DatasetDescription (dict) --

      The description for the dataset.

      • CreationTimestamp (datetime) --

        The Unix timestamp for the time and date that the dataset was created.

      • LastUpdatedTimestamp (datetime) --

        The Unix timestamp for the date and time that the dataset was last updated.

      • Status (string) --

        The status of the dataset.

      • StatusMessage (string) --

        The status message for the dataset.

      • StatusMessageCode (string) --

        The status message code for the dataset operation. If a service error occurs, try the API call again later. If a client error occurs, check the input parameters to the dataset API call that failed.

      • DatasetStats (dict) --

        The status message code for the dataset.

        • LabeledEntries (integer) --

          The total number of images in the dataset that have labels.

        • TotalEntries (integer) --

          The total number of images in the dataset.

        • TotalLabels (integer) --

          The total number of labels declared in the dataset.

        • ErrorEntries (integer) --

          The total number of entries that contain at least one error.


  • Rekognition.Client.exceptions.InternalServerError
  • Rekognition.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • Rekognition.Client.exceptions.ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
  • Rekognition.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException
  • Rekognition.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • Rekognition.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException