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Returns the number of open workflow executions within the given domain that meet the specified filtering criteria.


This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best effort and may not exactly reflect recent updates and changes.

Access Control

You can use IAM policies to control this action's access to Amazon SWF resources as follows:

  • Use a Resource element with the domain name to limit the action to only specified domains.
  • Use an Action element to allow or deny permission to call this action.
  • Constrain the following parameters by using a Condition element with the appropriate keys.
    • tagFilter.tag : String constraint. The key is swf:tagFilter.tag .
    • : String constraint. The key is .
    • typeFilter.version : String constraint. The key is swf:typeFilter.version .

If the caller doesn't have sufficient permissions to invoke the action, or the parameter values fall outside the specified constraints, the action fails. The associated event attribute's cause parameter is set to OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED . For details and example IAM policies, see Using IAM to Manage Access to Amazon SWF Workflows in the Amazon SWF Developer Guide .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.count_open_workflow_executions(
        'oldestDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'latestDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'name': 'string',
        'version': 'string'
        'tag': 'string'
        'workflowId': 'string'
  • domain (string) --


    The name of the domain containing the workflow executions to count.

  • startTimeFilter (dict) --


    Specifies the start time criteria that workflow executions must meet in order to be counted.

    • oldestDate (datetime) -- [REQUIRED]

      Specifies the oldest start or close date and time to return.

    • latestDate (datetime) --

      Specifies the latest start or close date and time to return.

  • typeFilter (dict) --

    Specifies the type of the workflow executions to be counted.


    executionFilter , typeFilter and tagFilter are mutually exclusive. You can specify at most one of these in a request.

    • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Name of the workflow type.

    • version (string) --

      Version of the workflow type.

  • tagFilter (dict) --

    If specified, only executions that have a tag that matches the filter are counted.


    executionFilter , typeFilter and tagFilter are mutually exclusive. You can specify at most one of these in a request.

    • tag (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Specifies the tag that must be associated with the execution for it to meet the filter criteria.

      Tags may only contain unicode letters, digits, whitespace, or these symbols: _ . : / = + - @ .

  • executionFilter (dict) --

    If specified, only workflow executions matching the WorkflowId in the filter are counted.


    executionFilter , typeFilter and tagFilter are mutually exclusive. You can specify at most one of these in a request.

    • workflowId (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The workflowId to pass of match the criteria of this filter.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'count': 123,
    'truncated': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Contains the count of workflow executions returned from CountOpenWorkflowExecutions or CountClosedWorkflowExecutions

    • count (integer) --

      The number of workflow executions.

    • truncated (boolean) --

      If set to true, indicates that the actual count was more than the maximum supported by this API and the count returned is the truncated value.


  • SWF.Client.exceptions.UnknownResourceFault
  • SWF.Client.exceptions.OperationNotPermittedFault