CloudTrail / Client / get_event_data_store



Returns information about an event data store specified as either an ARN or the ID portion of the ARN.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_event_data_store(

EventDataStore (string) –


The ARN (or ID suffix of the ARN) of the event data store about which you want information.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'EventDataStoreArn': 'string',
    'Name': 'string',
    'AdvancedEventSelectors': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'FieldSelectors': [
                    'Field': 'string',
                    'Equals': [
                    'StartsWith': [
                    'EndsWith': [
                    'NotEquals': [
                    'NotStartsWith': [
                    'NotEndsWith': [
    'MultiRegionEnabled': True|False,
    'OrganizationEnabled': True|False,
    'RetentionPeriod': 123,
    'TerminationProtectionEnabled': True|False,
    'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'KmsKeyId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • EventDataStoreArn (string) –

      The event data store Amazon Resource Number (ARN).

    • Name (string) –

      The name of the event data store.

    • Status (string) –

      The status of an event data store. Values can be ENABLED and PENDING_DELETION.

    • AdvancedEventSelectors (list) –

      The advanced event selectors used to select events for the data store.

      • (dict) –

        Advanced event selectors let you create fine-grained selectors for the following CloudTrail event record fields. They help you control costs by logging only those events that are important to you. For more information about advanced event selectors, see Logging data events for trails in the CloudTrail User Guide.

        • readOnly

        • eventSource

        • eventName

        • eventCategory

        • resources.type

        • resources.ARN

        You cannot apply both event selectors and advanced event selectors to a trail.

        • Name (string) –

          An optional, descriptive name for an advanced event selector, such as “Log data events for only two S3 buckets”.

        • FieldSelectors (list) –

          Contains all selector statements in an advanced event selector.

          • (dict) –

            A single selector statement in an advanced event selector.

            • Field (string) –

              A field in a CloudTrail event record on which to filter events to be logged. For event data stores for Config configuration items, Audit Manager evidence, or non-Amazon Web Services events, the field is used only for selecting events as filtering is not supported.

              For CloudTrail event records, supported fields include readOnly, eventCategory, eventSource (for management events), eventName, resources.type, and resources.ARN.

              For event data stores for Config configuration items, Audit Manager evidence, or non-Amazon Web Services events, the only supported field is eventCategory.

              • readOnly - Optional. Can be set to Equals a value of true or false. If you do not add this field, CloudTrail logs both read and write events. A value of true logs only read events. A value of false logs only write events.

              • eventSource - For filtering management events only. This can be set only to NotEquals

              • eventName - Can use any operator. You can use it to filter in or filter out any data event logged to CloudTrail, such as PutBucket or GetSnapshotBlock. You can have multiple values for this field, separated by commas.

              • eventCategory - This is required and must be set to Equals.

                • For CloudTrail event records, the value must be Management or Data.

                • For Config configuration items, the value must be ConfigurationItem.

                • For Audit Manager evidence, the value must be Evidence.

                • For non-Amazon Web Services events, the value must be ActivityAuditLog.

              • resources.type - This field is required for CloudTrail data events. resources.type can only use the Equals operator, and the value can be one of the following:

                • AWS::CloudTrail::Channel

                • AWS::S3::Object

                • AWS::Lambda::Function

                • AWS::DynamoDB::Table

                • AWS::S3Outposts::Object

                • AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Node

                • AWS::S3ObjectLambda::AccessPoint

                • AWS::EC2::Snapshot

                • AWS::S3::AccessPoint

                • AWS::DynamoDB::Stream

                • AWS::Glue::Table

                • AWS::FinSpace::Environment

                • AWS::SageMaker::ExperimentTrialComponent

                • AWS::SageMaker::FeatureGroup

              You can have only one resources.type field per selector. To log data events on more than one resource type, add another selector.

              • resources.ARN - You can use any operator with resources.ARN, but if you use Equals or NotEquals, the value must exactly match the ARN of a valid resource of the type you’ve specified in the template as the value of resources.type. For example, if resources.type equals AWS::S3::Object, the ARN must be in one of the following formats. To log all data events for all objects in a specific S3 bucket, use the StartsWith operator, and include only the bucket ARN as the matching value. The trailing slash is intentional; do not exclude it. Replace the text between less than and greater than symbols (<>) with resource-specific information.

                • arn:<partition>:s3:::<bucket_name>/

                • arn:<partition>:s3:::<bucket_name>/<object_path>/

              When resources.type equals AWS::S3::AccessPoint, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in one of the following formats. To log events on all objects in an S3 access point, we recommend that you use only the access point ARN, don’t include the object path, and use the StartsWith or NotStartsWith operators.

              • arn:<partition>:s3:<region>:<account_ID>:accesspoint/<access_point_name>

              • arn:<partition>:s3:<region>:<account_ID>:accesspoint/<access_point_name>/object/<object_path>

              When resources.type equals AWS::Lambda::Function, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:lambda:<region>:<account_ID>:function:<function_name>

              When resources.type equals AWS::DynamoDB::Table, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:dynamodb:<region>:<account_ID>:table/<table_name>

              When resources.type equals AWS::CloudTrail::Channel, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:cloudtrail:<region>:<account_ID>:channel/<channel_UUID>

              When resources.type equals AWS::S3Outposts::Object, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:s3-outposts:<region>:<account_ID>:<object_path>

              When resources.type equals AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Node, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:managedblockchain:<region>:<account_ID>:nodes/<node_ID>

              When resources.type equals AWS::S3ObjectLambda::AccessPoint, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:s3-object-lambda:<region>:<account_ID>:accesspoint/<access_point_name>

              When resources.type equals AWS::EC2::Snapshot, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:ec2:<region>::snapshot/<snapshot_ID>

              When resources.type equals AWS::DynamoDB::Stream, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:dynamodb:<region>:<account_ID>:table/<table_name>/stream/<date_time>

              When resources.type equals AWS::Glue::Table, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:glue:<region>:<account_ID>:table/<database_name>/<table_name>

              When resources.type equals AWS::FinSpace::Environment, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:finspace:<region>:<account_ID>:environment/<environment_ID>

              When resources.type equals AWS::SageMaker::ExperimentTrialComponent, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:sagemaker:<region>:<account_ID>:experiment-trial-component/<experiment_trial_component_name>

              When resources.type equals AWS::SageMaker::FeatureGroup, and the operator is set to Equals or NotEquals, the ARN must be in the following format:

              • arn:<partition>:sagemaker:<region>:<account_ID>:feature-group/<feature_group_name>

            • Equals (list) –

              An operator that includes events that match the exact value of the event record field specified as the value of Field. This is the only valid operator that you can use with the readOnly, eventCategory, and resources.type fields.

              • (string) –

            • StartsWith (list) –

              An operator that includes events that match the first few characters of the event record field specified as the value of Field.

              • (string) –

            • EndsWith (list) –

              An operator that includes events that match the last few characters of the event record field specified as the value of Field.

              • (string) –

            • NotEquals (list) –

              An operator that excludes events that match the exact value of the event record field specified as the value of Field.

              • (string) –

            • NotStartsWith (list) –

              An operator that excludes events that match the first few characters of the event record field specified as the value of Field.

              • (string) –

            • NotEndsWith (list) –

              An operator that excludes events that match the last few characters of the event record field specified as the value of Field.

              • (string) –

    • MultiRegionEnabled (boolean) –

      Indicates whether the event data store includes events from all regions, or only from the region in which it was created.

    • OrganizationEnabled (boolean) –

      Indicates whether an event data store is collecting logged events for an organization in Organizations.

    • RetentionPeriod (integer) –

      The retention period of the event data store, in days.

    • TerminationProtectionEnabled (boolean) –

      Indicates that termination protection is enabled.

    • CreatedTimestamp (datetime) –

      The timestamp of the event data store’s creation.

    • UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) –

      Shows the time that an event data store was updated, if applicable. UpdatedTimestamp is always either the same or newer than the time shown in CreatedTimestamp.

    • KmsKeyId (string) –

      Specifies the KMS key ID that encrypts the events delivered by CloudTrail. The value is a fully specified ARN to a KMS key in the following format.



  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.EventDataStoreARNInvalidException

  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.EventDataStoreNotFoundException

  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException

  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.OperationNotPermittedException

  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException

  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.NoManagementAccountSLRExistsException