Alarm / Attribute / dimensions


  • (list) –

    The dimensions for the metric associated with the alarm.

    • (dict) –

      A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric. Because dimensions are part of the unique identifier for a metric, whenever you add a unique name/value pair to one of your metrics, you are creating a new variation of that metric. For example, many Amazon EC2 metrics publish InstanceId as a dimension name, and the actual instance ID as the value for that dimension.

      You can assign up to 30 dimensions to a metric.

      • Name (string) –

        The name of the dimension. Dimension names must contain only ASCII characters, must include at least one non-whitespace character, and cannot start with a colon ( :).

      • Value (string) –

        The value of the dimension. Dimension values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace character.