WAFV2 / Client / create_web_acl
- WAFV2.Client.create_web_acl(**kwargs)#
Creates a WebACL per the specifications provided.
A web ACL defines a collection of rules to use to inspect and control web requests. Each rule has an action defined (allow, block, or count) for requests that match the statement of the rule. In the web ACL, you assign a default action to take (allow, block) for any request that does not match any of the rules. The rules in a web ACL can be a combination of the types Rule, RuleGroup, and managed rule group. You can associate a web ACL with one or more Amazon Web Services resources to protect. The resources can be an Amazon CloudFront distribution, an Amazon API Gateway REST API, an Application Load Balancer, an AppSync GraphQL API, Amazon Cognito user pool, or an App Runner service.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.create_web_acl( Name='string', Scope='CLOUDFRONT'|'REGIONAL', DefaultAction={ 'Block': { 'CustomResponse': { 'ResponseCode': 123, 'CustomResponseBodyKey': 'string', 'ResponseHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Allow': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } } }, Description='string', Rules=[ { 'Name': 'string', 'Priority': 123, 'Statement': { 'ByteMatchStatement': { 'SearchString': b'bytes', 'FieldToMatch': { 'SingleHeader': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'SingleQueryArgument': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'AllQueryArguments': {} , 'UriPath': {} , 'QueryString': {} , 'Body': { 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Method': {} , 'JsonBody': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedPaths': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'InvalidFallbackBehavior': 'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH'|'EVALUATE_AS_STRING', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Headers': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedHeaders': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedHeaders': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Cookies': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedCookies': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedCookies': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' } }, 'TextTransformations': [ { 'Priority': 123, 'Type': 'NONE'|'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE'|'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE'|'LOWERCASE'|'CMD_LINE'|'URL_DECODE'|'BASE64_DECODE'|'HEX_DECODE'|'MD5'|'REPLACE_COMMENTS'|'ESCAPE_SEQ_DECODE'|'SQL_HEX_DECODE'|'CSS_DECODE'|'JS_DECODE'|'NORMALIZE_PATH'|'NORMALIZE_PATH_WIN'|'REMOVE_NULLS'|'REPLACE_NULLS'|'BASE64_DECODE_EXT'|'URL_DECODE_UNI'|'UTF8_TO_UNICODE' }, ], 'PositionalConstraint': 'EXACTLY'|'STARTS_WITH'|'ENDS_WITH'|'CONTAINS'|'CONTAINS_WORD' }, 'SqliMatchStatement': { 'FieldToMatch': { 'SingleHeader': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'SingleQueryArgument': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'AllQueryArguments': {} , 'UriPath': {} , 'QueryString': {} , 'Body': { 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Method': {} , 'JsonBody': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedPaths': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'InvalidFallbackBehavior': 'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH'|'EVALUATE_AS_STRING', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Headers': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedHeaders': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedHeaders': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Cookies': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedCookies': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedCookies': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' } }, 'TextTransformations': [ { 'Priority': 123, 'Type': 'NONE'|'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE'|'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE'|'LOWERCASE'|'CMD_LINE'|'URL_DECODE'|'BASE64_DECODE'|'HEX_DECODE'|'MD5'|'REPLACE_COMMENTS'|'ESCAPE_SEQ_DECODE'|'SQL_HEX_DECODE'|'CSS_DECODE'|'JS_DECODE'|'NORMALIZE_PATH'|'NORMALIZE_PATH_WIN'|'REMOVE_NULLS'|'REPLACE_NULLS'|'BASE64_DECODE_EXT'|'URL_DECODE_UNI'|'UTF8_TO_UNICODE' }, ], 'SensitivityLevel': 'LOW'|'HIGH' }, 'XssMatchStatement': { 'FieldToMatch': { 'SingleHeader': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'SingleQueryArgument': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'AllQueryArguments': {} , 'UriPath': {} , 'QueryString': {} , 'Body': { 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Method': {} , 'JsonBody': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedPaths': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'InvalidFallbackBehavior': 'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH'|'EVALUATE_AS_STRING', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Headers': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedHeaders': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedHeaders': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Cookies': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedCookies': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedCookies': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' } }, 'TextTransformations': [ { 'Priority': 123, 'Type': 'NONE'|'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE'|'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE'|'LOWERCASE'|'CMD_LINE'|'URL_DECODE'|'BASE64_DECODE'|'HEX_DECODE'|'MD5'|'REPLACE_COMMENTS'|'ESCAPE_SEQ_DECODE'|'SQL_HEX_DECODE'|'CSS_DECODE'|'JS_DECODE'|'NORMALIZE_PATH'|'NORMALIZE_PATH_WIN'|'REMOVE_NULLS'|'REPLACE_NULLS'|'BASE64_DECODE_EXT'|'URL_DECODE_UNI'|'UTF8_TO_UNICODE' }, ] }, 'SizeConstraintStatement': { 'FieldToMatch': { 'SingleHeader': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'SingleQueryArgument': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'AllQueryArguments': {} , 'UriPath': {} , 'QueryString': {} , 'Body': { 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Method': {} , 'JsonBody': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedPaths': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'InvalidFallbackBehavior': 'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH'|'EVALUATE_AS_STRING', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Headers': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedHeaders': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedHeaders': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Cookies': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedCookies': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedCookies': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' } }, 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'|'NE'|'LE'|'LT'|'GE'|'GT', 'Size': 123, 'TextTransformations': [ { 'Priority': 123, 'Type': 'NONE'|'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE'|'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE'|'LOWERCASE'|'CMD_LINE'|'URL_DECODE'|'BASE64_DECODE'|'HEX_DECODE'|'MD5'|'REPLACE_COMMENTS'|'ESCAPE_SEQ_DECODE'|'SQL_HEX_DECODE'|'CSS_DECODE'|'JS_DECODE'|'NORMALIZE_PATH'|'NORMALIZE_PATH_WIN'|'REMOVE_NULLS'|'REPLACE_NULLS'|'BASE64_DECODE_EXT'|'URL_DECODE_UNI'|'UTF8_TO_UNICODE' }, ] }, 'GeoMatchStatement': { 'CountryCodes': [ 'AF'|'AX'|'AL'|'DZ'|'AS'|'AD'|'AO'|'AI'|'AQ'|'AG'|'AR'|'AM'|'AW'|'AU'|'AT'|'AZ'|'BS'|'BH'|'BD'|'BB'|'BY'|'BE'|'BZ'|'BJ'|'BM'|'BT'|'BO'|'BQ'|'BA'|'BW'|'BV'|'BR'|'IO'|'BN'|'BG'|'BF'|'BI'|'KH'|'CM'|'CA'|'CV'|'KY'|'CF'|'TD'|'CL'|'CN'|'CX'|'CC'|'CO'|'KM'|'CG'|'CD'|'CK'|'CR'|'CI'|'HR'|'CU'|'CW'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DK'|'DJ'|'DM'|'DO'|'EC'|'EG'|'SV'|'GQ'|'ER'|'EE'|'ET'|'FK'|'FO'|'FJ'|'FI'|'FR'|'GF'|'PF'|'TF'|'GA'|'GM'|'GE'|'DE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GR'|'GL'|'GD'|'GP'|'GU'|'GT'|'GG'|'GN'|'GW'|'GY'|'HT'|'HM'|'VA'|'HN'|'HK'|'HU'|'IS'|'IN'|'ID'|'IR'|'IQ'|'IE'|'IM'|'IL'|'IT'|'JM'|'JP'|'JE'|'JO'|'KZ'|'KE'|'KI'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KG'|'LA'|'LV'|'LB'|'LS'|'LR'|'LY'|'LI'|'LT'|'LU'|'MO'|'MK'|'MG'|'MW'|'MY'|'MV'|'ML'|'MT'|'MH'|'MQ'|'MR'|'MU'|'YT'|'MX'|'FM'|'MD'|'MC'|'MN'|'ME'|'MS'|'MA'|'MZ'|'MM'|'NA'|'NR'|'NP'|'NL'|'NC'|'NZ'|'NI'|'NE'|'NG'|'NU'|'NF'|'MP'|'NO'|'OM'|'PK'|'PW'|'PS'|'PA'|'PG'|'PY'|'PE'|'PH'|'PN'|'PL'|'PT'|'PR'|'QA'|'RE'|'RO'|'RU'|'RW'|'BL'|'SH'|'KN'|'LC'|'MF'|'PM'|'VC'|'WS'|'SM'|'ST'|'SA'|'SN'|'RS'|'SC'|'SL'|'SG'|'SX'|'SK'|'SI'|'SB'|'SO'|'ZA'|'GS'|'SS'|'ES'|'LK'|'SD'|'SR'|'SJ'|'SZ'|'SE'|'CH'|'SY'|'TW'|'TJ'|'TZ'|'TH'|'TL'|'TG'|'TK'|'TO'|'TT'|'TN'|'TR'|'TM'|'TC'|'TV'|'UG'|'UA'|'AE'|'GB'|'US'|'UM'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VU'|'VE'|'VN'|'VG'|'VI'|'WF'|'EH'|'YE'|'ZM'|'ZW'|'XK', ], 'ForwardedIPConfig': { 'HeaderName': 'string', 'FallbackBehavior': 'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' } }, 'RuleGroupReferenceStatement': { 'ARN': 'string', 'ExcludedRules': [ { 'Name': 'string' }, ], 'RuleActionOverrides': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'ActionToUse': { 'Block': { 'CustomResponse': { 'ResponseCode': 123, 'CustomResponseBodyKey': 'string', 'ResponseHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Allow': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Count': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Captcha': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Challenge': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } } } }, ] }, 'IPSetReferenceStatement': { 'ARN': 'string', 'IPSetForwardedIPConfig': { 'HeaderName': 'string', 'FallbackBehavior': 'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH', 'Position': 'FIRST'|'LAST'|'ANY' } }, 'RegexPatternSetReferenceStatement': { 'ARN': 'string', 'FieldToMatch': { 'SingleHeader': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'SingleQueryArgument': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'AllQueryArguments': {} , 'UriPath': {} , 'QueryString': {} , 'Body': { 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Method': {} , 'JsonBody': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedPaths': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'InvalidFallbackBehavior': 'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH'|'EVALUATE_AS_STRING', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Headers': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedHeaders': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedHeaders': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Cookies': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedCookies': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedCookies': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' } }, 'TextTransformations': [ { 'Priority': 123, 'Type': 'NONE'|'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE'|'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE'|'LOWERCASE'|'CMD_LINE'|'URL_DECODE'|'BASE64_DECODE'|'HEX_DECODE'|'MD5'|'REPLACE_COMMENTS'|'ESCAPE_SEQ_DECODE'|'SQL_HEX_DECODE'|'CSS_DECODE'|'JS_DECODE'|'NORMALIZE_PATH'|'NORMALIZE_PATH_WIN'|'REMOVE_NULLS'|'REPLACE_NULLS'|'BASE64_DECODE_EXT'|'URL_DECODE_UNI'|'UTF8_TO_UNICODE' }, ] }, 'RateBasedStatement': { 'Limit': 123, 'AggregateKeyType': 'IP'|'FORWARDED_IP', 'ScopeDownStatement': {'... recursive ...'}, 'ForwardedIPConfig': { 'HeaderName': 'string', 'FallbackBehavior': 'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' } }, 'AndStatement': { 'Statements': [ {'... recursive ...'}, ] }, 'OrStatement': { 'Statements': [ {'... recursive ...'}, ] }, 'NotStatement': { 'Statement': {'... recursive ...'} }, 'ManagedRuleGroupStatement': { 'VendorName': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'Version': 'string', 'ExcludedRules': [ { 'Name': 'string' }, ], 'ScopeDownStatement': {'... recursive ...'}, 'ManagedRuleGroupConfigs': [ { 'LoginPath': 'string', 'PayloadType': 'JSON'|'FORM_ENCODED', 'UsernameField': { 'Identifier': 'string' }, 'PasswordField': { 'Identifier': 'string' }, 'AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet': { 'InspectionLevel': 'COMMON'|'TARGETED' }, 'AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet': { 'LoginPath': 'string', 'RequestInspection': { 'PayloadType': 'JSON'|'FORM_ENCODED', 'UsernameField': { 'Identifier': 'string' }, 'PasswordField': { 'Identifier': 'string' } }, 'ResponseInspection': { 'StatusCode': { 'SuccessCodes': [ 123, ], 'FailureCodes': [ 123, ] }, 'Header': { 'Name': 'string', 'SuccessValues': [ 'string', ], 'FailureValues': [ 'string', ] }, 'BodyContains': { 'SuccessStrings': [ 'string', ], 'FailureStrings': [ 'string', ] }, 'Json': { 'Identifier': 'string', 'SuccessValues': [ 'string', ], 'FailureValues': [ 'string', ] } } } }, ], 'RuleActionOverrides': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'ActionToUse': { 'Block': { 'CustomResponse': { 'ResponseCode': 123, 'CustomResponseBodyKey': 'string', 'ResponseHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Allow': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Count': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Captcha': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Challenge': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } } } }, ] }, 'LabelMatchStatement': { 'Scope': 'LABEL'|'NAMESPACE', 'Key': 'string' }, 'RegexMatchStatement': { 'RegexString': 'string', 'FieldToMatch': { 'SingleHeader': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'SingleQueryArgument': { 'Name': 'string' }, 'AllQueryArguments': {} , 'UriPath': {} , 'QueryString': {} , 'Body': { 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Method': {} , 'JsonBody': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedPaths': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'InvalidFallbackBehavior': 'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH'|'EVALUATE_AS_STRING', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Headers': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedHeaders': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedHeaders': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' }, 'Cookies': { 'MatchPattern': { 'All': {} , 'IncludedCookies': [ 'string', ], 'ExcludedCookies': [ 'string', ] }, 'MatchScope': 'ALL'|'KEY'|'VALUE', 'OversizeHandling': 'CONTINUE'|'MATCH'|'NO_MATCH' } }, 'TextTransformations': [ { 'Priority': 123, 'Type': 'NONE'|'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE'|'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE'|'LOWERCASE'|'CMD_LINE'|'URL_DECODE'|'BASE64_DECODE'|'HEX_DECODE'|'MD5'|'REPLACE_COMMENTS'|'ESCAPE_SEQ_DECODE'|'SQL_HEX_DECODE'|'CSS_DECODE'|'JS_DECODE'|'NORMALIZE_PATH'|'NORMALIZE_PATH_WIN'|'REMOVE_NULLS'|'REPLACE_NULLS'|'BASE64_DECODE_EXT'|'URL_DECODE_UNI'|'UTF8_TO_UNICODE' }, ] } }, 'Action': { 'Block': { 'CustomResponse': { 'ResponseCode': 123, 'CustomResponseBodyKey': 'string', 'ResponseHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Allow': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Count': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Captcha': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Challenge': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } } }, 'OverrideAction': { 'Count': { 'CustomRequestHandling': { 'InsertHeaders': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'None': {} }, 'RuleLabels': [ { 'Name': 'string' }, ], 'VisibilityConfig': { 'SampledRequestsEnabled': True|False, 'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': True|False, 'MetricName': 'string' }, 'CaptchaConfig': { 'ImmunityTimeProperty': { 'ImmunityTime': 123 } }, 'ChallengeConfig': { 'ImmunityTimeProperty': { 'ImmunityTime': 123 } } }, ], VisibilityConfig={ 'SampledRequestsEnabled': True|False, 'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': True|False, 'MetricName': 'string' }, Tags=[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], CustomResponseBodies={ 'string': { 'ContentType': 'TEXT_PLAIN'|'TEXT_HTML'|'APPLICATION_JSON', 'Content': 'string' } }, CaptchaConfig={ 'ImmunityTimeProperty': { 'ImmunityTime': 123 } }, ChallengeConfig={ 'ImmunityTimeProperty': { 'ImmunityTime': 123 } }, TokenDomains=[ 'string', ] ) **Parameters** :: # This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below. `AWS API Documentation <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/wafv2-2019-07-29/CreateWebACL>`_
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'Summary': { 'Name': 'string', 'Id': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'LockToken': 'string', 'ARN': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) –
Summary (dict) –
High-level information about a WebACL, returned by operations like create and list. This provides information like the ID, that you can use to retrieve and manage a
, and the ARN, that you provide to operations like AssociateWebACL.Name (string) –
The name of the web ACL. You cannot change the name of a web ACL after you create it.
Id (string) –
The unique identifier for the web ACL. This ID is returned in the responses to create and list commands. You provide it to operations like update and delete.
Description (string) –
A description of the web ACL that helps with identification.
LockToken (string) –
A token used for optimistic locking. WAF returns a token to your
requests, to mark the state of the entity at the time of the request. To make changes to the entity associated with the token, you provide the token to operations likeupdate
. WAF uses the token to ensure that no changes have been made to the entity since you last retrieved it. If a change has been made, the update fails with aWAFOptimisticLockException
. If this happens, perform anotherget
, and use the new token returned by that operation.ARN (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the entity.