AgentsforBedrockRuntime / Paginator / Retrieve


class AgentsforBedrockRuntime.Paginator.Retrieve#
paginator = client.get_paginator('retrieve')

Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from AgentsforBedrockRuntime.Client.retrieve().

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response_iterator = paginator.paginate(
        'guardrailId': 'string',
        'guardrailVersion': 'string'
        'vectorSearchConfiguration': {
            'filter': {
                'andAll': [
                    {'... recursive ...'},
                'equals': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'greaterThan': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'greaterThanOrEquals': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'in': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'lessThan': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'lessThanOrEquals': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'listContains': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'notEquals': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'notIn': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'orAll': [
                    {'... recursive ...'},
                'startsWith': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                'stringContains': {
                    'key': 'string',
                    'value': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
            'implicitFilterConfiguration': {
                'metadataAttributes': [
                        'description': 'string',
                        'key': 'string',
                        'type': 'STRING'|'NUMBER'|'BOOLEAN'|'STRING_LIST'
                'modelArn': 'string'
            'numberOfResults': 123,
            'overrideSearchType': 'HYBRID'|'SEMANTIC',
            'rerankingConfiguration': {
                'bedrockRerankingConfiguration': {
                    'metadataConfiguration': {
                        'selectionMode': 'SELECTIVE'|'ALL',
                        'selectiveModeConfiguration': {
                            'fieldsToExclude': [
                                    'fieldName': 'string'
                            'fieldsToInclude': [
                                    'fieldName': 'string'
                    'modelConfiguration': {
                        'additionalModelRequestFields': {
                            'string': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
                        'modelArn': 'string'
                    'numberOfRerankedResults': 123
                'type': 'BEDROCK_RERANKING_MODEL'
        'text': 'string'
        'MaxItems': 123,
        'StartingToken': 'string'
  • guardrailConfiguration (dict) –

    Guardrail settings.

    • guardrailId (string) – [REQUIRED]

      The unique identifier for the guardrail.

    • guardrailVersion (string) – [REQUIRED]

      The version of the guardrail.

  • knowledgeBaseId (string) –


    The unique identifier of the knowledge base to query.

  • retrievalConfiguration (dict) –

    Contains configurations for the knowledge base query and retrieval process. For more information, see Query configurations.

    • vectorSearchConfiguration (dict) – [REQUIRED]

      Contains details about how the results from the vector search should be returned. For more information, see Query configurations.

      • filter (dict) –

        Specifies the filters to use on the metadata in the knowledge base data sources before returning results. For more information, see Query configurations.


        This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: andAll, equals, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEquals, in, lessThan, lessThanOrEquals, listContains, notEquals, notIn, orAll, startsWith, stringContains.

        • andAll (list) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if their metadata attributes fulfill all the filter conditions inside this list.

          • (dict) –

            Specifies the filters to use on the metadata attributes in the knowledge base data sources before returning results. For more information, see Query configurations. See the examples below to see how to use these filters.

            This data type is used in the following API operations:


            This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: andAll, equals, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEquals, in, lessThan, lessThanOrEquals, listContains, notEquals, notIn, orAll, startsWith, stringContains.

        • equals (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value matches the value in this object.

          The following example would return data sources with an animal attribute whose value is cat:

          "equals": { "key": "animal", "value": "cat" }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • greaterThan (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value is greater than the value in this object.

          The following example would return data sources with an year attribute whose value is greater than 1989:

          "greaterThan": { "key": "year", "value": 1989 }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • greaterThanOrEquals (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value is greater than or equal to the value in this object.

          The following example would return data sources with an year attribute whose value is greater than or equal to 1989:

          "greaterThanOrEquals": { "key": "year", "value": 1989 }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • in (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value is in the list specified in the value in this object.

          The following example would return data sources with an animal attribute that is either cat or dog:

          "in": { "key": "animal", "value": ["cat", "dog"] }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • lessThan (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value is less than the value in this object.

          The following example would return data sources with an year attribute whose value is less than to 1989.

          "lessThan": { "key": "year", "value": 1989 }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • lessThanOrEquals (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value is less than or equal to the value in this object.

          The following example would return data sources with an year attribute whose value is less than or equal to 1989.

          "lessThanOrEquals": { "key": "year", "value": 1989 }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • listContains (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value is a list that contains the value as one of its members.

          The following example would return data sources with an animals attribute that is a list containing a cat member (for example ["dog", "cat"]).

          "listContains": { "key": "animals", "value": "cat" }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • notEquals (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned when:

          • It contains a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value doesn’t match the value in this object.

          • The key is not present in the document.

          The following example would return data sources that don’t contain an animal attribute whose value is cat.

          "notEquals": { "key": "animal", "value": "cat" }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • notIn (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value isn’t in the list specified in the value in this object.

          The following example would return data sources whose animal attribute is neither cat nor dog.

          "notIn": { "key": "animal", "value": ["cat", "dog"] }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • orAll (list) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if their metadata attributes fulfill at least one of the filter conditions inside this list.

          • (dict) –

            Specifies the filters to use on the metadata attributes in the knowledge base data sources before returning results. For more information, see Query configurations. See the examples below to see how to use these filters.

            This data type is used in the following API operations:


            This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: andAll, equals, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEquals, in, lessThan, lessThanOrEquals, listContains, notEquals, notIn, orAll, startsWith, stringContains.

        • startsWith (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value starts with the value in this object. This filter is currently only supported for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless vector stores.

          The following example would return data sources with an animal attribute starts with ca (for example, cat or camel).

          "startsWith": { "key": "animal", "value": "ca" }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

        • stringContains (dict) –

          Knowledge base data sources are returned if they contain a metadata attribute whose name matches the key and whose value is one of the following:

          • A string that contains the value as a substring. The following example would return data sources with an animal attribute that contains the substring at (for example cat). "stringContains": { "key": "animal", "value": "at" }

          • A list with a member that contains the value as a substring. The following example would return data sources with an animals attribute that is a list containing a member that contains the substring at (for example ["dog", "cat"]). "stringContains": { "key": "animals", "value": "at" }

          • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

            The name that the metadata attribute must match.

          • value (document) – [REQUIRED]

            The value to whcih to compare the value of the metadata attribute.

      • implicitFilterConfiguration (dict) –

        Settings for implicit filtering.

        • metadataAttributes (list) – [REQUIRED]

          Metadata that can be used in a filter.

          • (dict) –

            Details about a metadata attribute.

            • description (string) – [REQUIRED]

              The attribute’s description.

            • key (string) – [REQUIRED]

              The attribute’s key.

            • type (string) – [REQUIRED]

              The attribute’s type.

        • modelArn (string) – [REQUIRED]

          The model that generates the filter.

      • numberOfResults (integer) –

        The number of source chunks to retrieve.

      • overrideSearchType (string) –

        By default, Amazon Bedrock decides a search strategy for you. If you’re using an Amazon OpenSearch Serverless vector store that contains a filterable text field, you can specify whether to query the knowledge base with a HYBRID search using both vector embeddings and raw text, or SEMANTIC search using only vector embeddings. For other vector store configurations, only SEMANTIC search is available. For more information, see Test a knowledge base.

      • rerankingConfiguration (dict) –

        Contains configurations for reranking the retrieved results. For more information, see Improve the relevance of query responses with a reranker model.

        • bedrockRerankingConfiguration (dict) –

          Contains configurations for an Amazon Bedrock reranker model.

          • metadataConfiguration (dict) –

            Contains configurations for the metadata to use in reranking.

            • selectionMode (string) – [REQUIRED]

              Specifies whether to consider all metadata when reranking, or only the metadata that you select. If you specify SELECTIVE, include the selectiveModeConfiguration field.

            • selectiveModeConfiguration (dict) –

              Contains configurations for the metadata fields to include or exclude when considering reranking.


              This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: fieldsToExclude, fieldsToInclude.

              • fieldsToExclude (list) –

                An array of objects, each of which specifies a metadata field to exclude from consideration when reranking.

                • (dict) –

                  Contains information for a metadata field to include in or exclude from consideration when reranking.

                  • fieldName (string) – [REQUIRED]

                    The name of a metadata field to include in or exclude from consideration when reranking.

              • fieldsToInclude (list) –

                An array of objects, each of which specifies a metadata field to include in consideration when reranking. The remaining metadata fields are ignored.

                • (dict) –

                  Contains information for a metadata field to include in or exclude from consideration when reranking.

                  • fieldName (string) – [REQUIRED]

                    The name of a metadata field to include in or exclude from consideration when reranking.

          • modelConfiguration (dict) – [REQUIRED]

            Contains configurations for the reranker model.

            • additionalModelRequestFields (dict) –

              A JSON object whose keys are request fields for the model and whose values are values for those fields.

              • (string) –

                • (document) –

            • modelArn (string) – [REQUIRED]

              The ARN of the reranker model to use.

          • numberOfRerankedResults (integer) –

            The number of results to return after reranking.

        • type (string) – [REQUIRED]

          The type of reranker model.

  • retrievalQuery (dict) –


    Contains the query to send the knowledge base.

    • text (string) – [REQUIRED]

      The text of the query made to the knowledge base.

  • PaginationConfig (dict) –

    A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.

    • MaxItems (integer) –

      The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.

    • StartingToken (string) –

      A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previous response.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'guardrailAction': 'INTERVENED'|'NONE',
    'retrievalResults': [
            'content': {
                'byteContent': 'string',
                'row': [
                        'columnName': 'string',
                        'columnValue': 'string',
                        'type': 'BLOB'|'BOOLEAN'|'DOUBLE'|'NULL'|'LONG'|'STRING'
                'text': 'string',
                'type': 'TEXT'|'IMAGE'|'ROW'
            'location': {
                'confluenceLocation': {
                    'url': 'string'
                'customDocumentLocation': {
                    'id': 'string'
                'kendraDocumentLocation': {
                    'uri': 'string'
                's3Location': {
                    'uri': 'string'
                'salesforceLocation': {
                    'url': 'string'
                'sharePointLocation': {
                    'url': 'string'
                'sqlLocation': {
                    'query': 'string'
                'type': 'S3'|'WEB'|'CONFLUENCE'|'SALESFORCE'|'SHAREPOINT'|'CUSTOM'|'KENDRA'|'SQL',
                'webLocation': {
                    'url': 'string'
            'metadata': {
                'string': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None
            'score': 123.0
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • guardrailAction (string) –

      Specifies if there is a guardrail intervention in the response.

    • retrievalResults (list) –

      A list of results from querying the knowledge base.

      • (dict) –

        Details about a result from querying the knowledge base.

        This data type is used in the following API operations:

        • content (dict) –

          Contains information about the content of the chunk.

          • byteContent (string) –

            A data URI with base64-encoded content from the data source. The URI is in the following format: returned in the following format: data:image/jpeg;base64,${base64-encoded string}.

          • row (list) –

            Specifies information about the rows with the cells to return in retrieval.

            • (dict) –

              Contains information about a column with a cell to return in retrieval.

              • columnName (string) –

                The name of the column.

              • columnValue (string) –

                The value in the column.

              • type (string) –

                The data type of the value.

          • text (string) –

            The cited text from the data source.

          • type (string) –

            The type of content in the retrieval result.

        • location (dict) –

          Contains information about the location of the data source.

          • confluenceLocation (dict) –

            The Confluence data source location.

            • url (string) –

              The Confluence host URL for the data source location.

          • customDocumentLocation (dict) –

            Specifies the location of a document in a custom data source.

            • id (string) –

              The ID of the document.

          • kendraDocumentLocation (dict) –

            The location of a document in Amazon Kendra.

            • uri (string) –

              The document’s uri.

          • s3Location (dict) –

            The S3 data source location.

            • uri (string) –

              The S3 URI for the data source location.

          • salesforceLocation (dict) –

            The Salesforce data source location.

            • url (string) –

              The Salesforce host URL for the data source location.

          • sharePointLocation (dict) –

            The SharePoint data source location.

            • url (string) –

              The SharePoint site URL for the data source location.

          • sqlLocation (dict) –

            Specifies information about the SQL query used to retrieve the result.

            • query (string) –

              The SQL query used to retrieve the result.

          • type (string) –

            The type of data source location.

          • webLocation (dict) –

            The web URL/URLs data source location.

            • url (string) –

              The web URL/URLs for the data source location.

        • metadata (dict) –

          Contains metadata attributes and their values for the file in the data source. For more information, see Metadata and filtering.

          • (string) –

            • (document) –

        • score (float) –

          The level of relevance of the result to the query.

    • NextToken (string) –

      A token to resume pagination.