ChimeSDKMediaPipelines / Client / get_media_pipeline



Gets an existing media pipeline.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_media_pipeline(

MediaPipelineId (string) –


The ID of the pipeline that you want to get.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'MediaPipeline': {
        'MediaCapturePipeline': {
            'MediaPipelineId': 'string',
            'MediaPipelineArn': 'string',
            'SourceType': 'ChimeSdkMeeting',
            'SourceArn': 'string',
            'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted',
            'SinkType': 'S3Bucket',
            'SinkArn': 'string',
            'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration': {
                'SourceConfiguration': {
                    'SelectedVideoStreams': {
                        'AttendeeIds': [
                        'ExternalUserIds': [
                'ArtifactsConfiguration': {
                    'Audio': {
                        'MuxType': 'AudioOnly'|'AudioWithActiveSpeakerVideo'|'AudioWithCompositedVideo'
                    'Video': {
                        'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled',
                        'MuxType': 'VideoOnly'
                    'Content': {
                        'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled',
                        'MuxType': 'ContentOnly'
                    'CompositedVideo': {
                        'Layout': 'GridView',
                        'Resolution': 'HD'|'FHD',
                        'GridViewConfiguration': {
                            'ContentShareLayout': 'PresenterOnly'|'Horizontal'|'Vertical'|'ActiveSpeakerOnly',
                            'PresenterOnlyConfiguration': {
                                'PresenterPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight'
                            'ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration': {
                                'ActiveSpeakerPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight'
                            'HorizontalLayoutConfiguration': {
                                'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence',
                                'TilePosition': 'Top'|'Bottom',
                                'TileCount': 123,
                                'TileAspectRatio': 'string'
                            'VerticalLayoutConfiguration': {
                                'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence',
                                'TilePosition': 'Left'|'Right',
                                'TileCount': 123,
                                'TileAspectRatio': 'string'
                            'VideoAttribute': {
                                'CornerRadius': 123,
                                'BorderColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow',
                                'HighlightColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow',
                                'BorderThickness': 123
                            'CanvasOrientation': 'Landscape'|'Portrait'
        'MediaLiveConnectorPipeline': {
            'Sources': [
                    'SourceType': 'ChimeSdkMeeting',
                    'ChimeSdkMeetingLiveConnectorConfiguration': {
                        'Arn': 'string',
                        'MuxType': 'AudioWithCompositedVideo'|'AudioWithActiveSpeakerVideo',
                        'CompositedVideo': {
                            'Layout': 'GridView',
                            'Resolution': 'HD'|'FHD',
                            'GridViewConfiguration': {
                                'ContentShareLayout': 'PresenterOnly'|'Horizontal'|'Vertical'|'ActiveSpeakerOnly',
                                'PresenterOnlyConfiguration': {
                                    'PresenterPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight'
                                'ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration': {
                                    'ActiveSpeakerPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight'
                                'HorizontalLayoutConfiguration': {
                                    'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence',
                                    'TilePosition': 'Top'|'Bottom',
                                    'TileCount': 123,
                                    'TileAspectRatio': 'string'
                                'VerticalLayoutConfiguration': {
                                    'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence',
                                    'TilePosition': 'Left'|'Right',
                                    'TileCount': 123,
                                    'TileAspectRatio': 'string'
                                'VideoAttribute': {
                                    'CornerRadius': 123,
                                    'BorderColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow',
                                    'HighlightColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow',
                                    'BorderThickness': 123
                                'CanvasOrientation': 'Landscape'|'Portrait'
                        'SourceConfiguration': {
                            'SelectedVideoStreams': {
                                'AttendeeIds': [
                                'ExternalUserIds': [
            'Sinks': [
                    'SinkType': 'RTMP',
                    'RTMPConfiguration': {
                        'Url': 'string',
                        'AudioChannels': 'Stereo'|'Mono',
                        'AudioSampleRate': 'string'
            'MediaPipelineId': 'string',
            'MediaPipelineArn': 'string',
            'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted',
            'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'MediaConcatenationPipeline': {
            'MediaPipelineId': 'string',
            'MediaPipelineArn': 'string',
            'Sources': [
                    'Type': 'MediaCapturePipeline',
                    'MediaCapturePipelineSourceConfiguration': {
                        'MediaPipelineArn': 'string',
                        'ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration': {
                            'ArtifactsConfiguration': {
                                'Audio': {
                                    'State': 'Enabled'
                                'Video': {
                                    'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled'
                                'Content': {
                                    'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled'
                                'DataChannel': {
                                    'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled'
                                'TranscriptionMessages': {
                                    'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled'
                                'MeetingEvents': {
                                    'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled'
                                'CompositedVideo': {
                                    'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled'
            'Sinks': [
                    'Type': 'S3Bucket',
                    'S3BucketSinkConfiguration': {
                        'Destination': 'string'
            'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted',
            'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'MediaInsightsPipeline': {
            'MediaPipelineId': 'string',
            'MediaPipelineArn': 'string',
            'MediaInsightsPipelineConfigurationArn': 'string',
            'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted',
            'KinesisVideoStreamSourceRuntimeConfiguration': {
                'Streams': [
                        'StreamArn': 'string',
                        'FragmentNumber': 'string',
                        'StreamChannelDefinition': {
                            'NumberOfChannels': 123,
                            'ChannelDefinitions': [
                                    'ChannelId': 123,
                                    'ParticipantRole': 'AGENT'|'CUSTOMER'
                'MediaEncoding': 'pcm',
                'MediaSampleRate': 123
            'MediaInsightsRuntimeMetadata': {
                'string': 'string'
            'KinesisVideoStreamRecordingSourceRuntimeConfiguration': {
                'Streams': [
                        'StreamArn': 'string'
                'FragmentSelector': {
                    'FragmentSelectorType': 'ProducerTimestamp'|'ServerTimestamp',
                    'TimestampRange': {
                        'StartTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'EndTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
            'S3RecordingSinkRuntimeConfiguration': {
                'Destination': 'string',
                'RecordingFileFormat': 'Wav'|'Opus'
            'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'ElementStatuses': [
                    'Type': 'AmazonTranscribeCallAnalyticsProcessor'|'VoiceAnalyticsProcessor'|'AmazonTranscribeProcessor'|'KinesisDataStreamSink'|'LambdaFunctionSink'|'SqsQueueSink'|'SnsTopicSink'|'S3RecordingSink'|'VoiceEnhancementSink',
                    'Status': 'NotStarted'|'NotSupported'|'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'
        'MediaStreamPipeline': {
            'MediaPipelineId': 'string',
            'MediaPipelineArn': 'string',
            'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted',
            'Sources': [
                    'SourceType': 'ChimeSdkMeeting',
                    'SourceArn': 'string'
            'Sinks': [
                    'SinkArn': 'string',
                    'SinkType': 'KinesisVideoStreamPool',
                    'ReservedStreamCapacity': 123,
                    'MediaStreamType': 'MixedAudio'|'IndividualAudio'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • MediaPipeline (dict) –

      The media pipeline object.

      • MediaCapturePipeline (dict) –

        A pipeline that enables users to capture audio and video.

        • MediaPipelineId (string) –

          The ID of a media pipeline.

        • MediaPipelineArn (string) –

          The ARN of the media capture pipeline

        • SourceType (string) –

          Source type from which media artifacts are saved. You must use ChimeMeeting.

        • SourceArn (string) –

          ARN of the source from which the media artifacts are saved.

        • Status (string) –

          The status of the media pipeline.

        • SinkType (string) –

          Destination type to which the media artifacts are saved. You must use an S3 Bucket.

        • SinkArn (string) –

          ARN of the destination to which the media artifacts are saved.

        • CreatedTimestamp (datetime) –

          The time at which the pipeline was created, in ISO 8601 format.

        • UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) –

          The time at which the pipeline was updated, in ISO 8601 format.

        • ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration (dict) –

          The configuration for a specified media pipeline. SourceType must be ChimeSdkMeeting.

          • SourceConfiguration (dict) –

            The source configuration for a specified media pipeline.

            • SelectedVideoStreams (dict) –

              The selected video streams for a specified media pipeline. The number of video streams can’t exceed 25.

              • AttendeeIds (list) –

                The attendee IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.

                • (string) –

              • ExternalUserIds (list) –

                The external user IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.

                • (string) –

          • ArtifactsConfiguration (dict) –

            The configuration for the artifacts in an Amazon Chime SDK meeting.

            • Audio (dict) –

              The configuration for the audio artifacts.

              • MuxType (string) –

                The MUX type of the audio artifact configuration object.

            • Video (dict) –

              The configuration for the video artifacts.

              • State (string) –

                Indicates whether the video artifact is enabled or disabled.

              • MuxType (string) –

                The MUX type of the video artifact configuration object.

            • Content (dict) –

              The configuration for the content artifacts.

              • State (string) –

                Indicates whether the content artifact is enabled or disabled.

              • MuxType (string) –

                The MUX type of the artifact configuration.

            • CompositedVideo (dict) –

              Enables video compositing.

              • Layout (string) –

                The layout setting, such as GridView in the configuration object.

              • Resolution (string) –

                The video resolution setting in the configuration object. Default: HD at 1280 x 720. FHD resolution: 1920 x 1080.

              • GridViewConfiguration (dict) –

                The GridView configuration setting.

                • ContentShareLayout (string) –

                  Defines the layout of the video tiles when content sharing is enabled.

                • PresenterOnlyConfiguration (dict) –

                  Defines the configuration options for a presenter only video tile.

                  • PresenterPosition (string) –

                    Defines the position of the presenter video tile. Default: TopRight.

                • ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration (dict) –

                  The configuration settings for an ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.

                  • ActiveSpeakerPosition (string) –

                    The position of the ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.

                • HorizontalLayoutConfiguration (dict) –

                  The configuration settings for a horizontal layout.

                  • TileOrder (string) –

                    Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.

                  • TilePosition (string) –

                    Sets the position of horizontal tiles.

                  • TileCount (integer) –

                    The maximum number of video tiles to display.

                  • TileAspectRatio (string) –

                    Specifies the aspect ratio of all video tiles.

                • VerticalLayoutConfiguration (dict) –

                  The configuration settings for a vertical layout.

                  • TileOrder (string) –

                    Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.

                  • TilePosition (string) –

                    Sets the position of vertical tiles.

                  • TileCount (integer) –

                    The maximum number of tiles to display.

                  • TileAspectRatio (string) –

                    Sets the aspect ratio of the video tiles, such as 16:9.

                • VideoAttribute (dict) –

                  The attribute settings for the video tiles.

                  • CornerRadius (integer) –

                    Sets the corner radius of all video tiles.

                  • BorderColor (string) –

                    Defines the border color of all video tiles.

                  • HighlightColor (string) –

                    Defines the highlight color for the active video tile.

                  • BorderThickness (integer) –

                    Defines the border thickness for all video tiles.

                • CanvasOrientation (string) –

                  The orientation setting, horizontal or vertical.

      • MediaLiveConnectorPipeline (dict) –

        The connector pipeline of the media pipeline.

        • Sources (list) –

          The connector pipeline’s data sources.

          • (dict) –

            The data source configuration object of a streaming media pipeline.

            • SourceType (string) –

              The source configuration’s media source type.

            • ChimeSdkMeetingLiveConnectorConfiguration (dict) –

              The configuration settings of the connector pipeline.

              • Arn (string) –

                The configuration object’s Chime SDK meeting ARN.

              • MuxType (string) –

                The configuration object’s multiplex type.

              • CompositedVideo (dict) –

                The media pipeline’s composited video.

                • Layout (string) –

                  The layout setting, such as GridView in the configuration object.

                • Resolution (string) –

                  The video resolution setting in the configuration object. Default: HD at 1280 x 720. FHD resolution: 1920 x 1080.

                • GridViewConfiguration (dict) –

                  The GridView configuration setting.

                  • ContentShareLayout (string) –

                    Defines the layout of the video tiles when content sharing is enabled.

                  • PresenterOnlyConfiguration (dict) –

                    Defines the configuration options for a presenter only video tile.

                    • PresenterPosition (string) –

                      Defines the position of the presenter video tile. Default: TopRight.

                  • ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration (dict) –

                    The configuration settings for an ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.

                    • ActiveSpeakerPosition (string) –

                      The position of the ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.

                  • HorizontalLayoutConfiguration (dict) –

                    The configuration settings for a horizontal layout.

                    • TileOrder (string) –

                      Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.

                    • TilePosition (string) –

                      Sets the position of horizontal tiles.

                    • TileCount (integer) –

                      The maximum number of video tiles to display.

                    • TileAspectRatio (string) –

                      Specifies the aspect ratio of all video tiles.

                  • VerticalLayoutConfiguration (dict) –

                    The configuration settings for a vertical layout.

                    • TileOrder (string) –

                      Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.

                    • TilePosition (string) –

                      Sets the position of vertical tiles.

                    • TileCount (integer) –

                      The maximum number of tiles to display.

                    • TileAspectRatio (string) –

                      Sets the aspect ratio of the video tiles, such as 16:9.

                  • VideoAttribute (dict) –

                    The attribute settings for the video tiles.

                    • CornerRadius (integer) –

                      Sets the corner radius of all video tiles.

                    • BorderColor (string) –

                      Defines the border color of all video tiles.

                    • HighlightColor (string) –

                      Defines the highlight color for the active video tile.

                    • BorderThickness (integer) –

                      Defines the border thickness for all video tiles.

                  • CanvasOrientation (string) –

                    The orientation setting, horizontal or vertical.

              • SourceConfiguration (dict) –

                The source configuration settings of the media pipeline’s configuration object.

                • SelectedVideoStreams (dict) –

                  The selected video streams for a specified media pipeline. The number of video streams can’t exceed 25.

                  • AttendeeIds (list) –

                    The attendee IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.

                    • (string) –

                  • ExternalUserIds (list) –

                    The external user IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.

                    • (string) –

        • Sinks (list) –

          The connector pipeline’s data sinks.

          • (dict) –

            The media pipeline’s sink configuration settings.

            • SinkType (string) –

              The sink configuration’s sink type.

            • RTMPConfiguration (dict) –

              The sink configuration’s RTMP configuration settings.

              • Url (string) –

                The URL of the RTMP configuration.

              • AudioChannels (string) –

                The audio channels set for the RTMP configuration

              • AudioSampleRate (string) –

                The audio sample rate set for the RTMP configuration. Default: 48000.

        • MediaPipelineId (string) –

          The connector pipeline’s ID.

        • MediaPipelineArn (string) –

          The connector pipeline’s ARN.

        • Status (string) –

          The connector pipeline’s status.

        • CreatedTimestamp (datetime) –

          The time at which the connector pipeline was created.

        • UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) –

          The time at which the connector pipeline was last updated.

      • MediaConcatenationPipeline (dict) –

        The media concatenation pipeline in a media pipeline.

        • MediaPipelineId (string) –

          The ID of the media pipeline being concatenated.

        • MediaPipelineArn (string) –

          The ARN of the media pipeline that you specify in the SourceConfiguration object.

        • Sources (list) –

          The data sources being concatenated.

          • (dict) –

            The source type and media pipeline configuration settings in a configuration object.

            • Type (string) –

              The type of concatenation source in a configuration object.

            • MediaCapturePipelineSourceConfiguration (dict) –

              The concatenation settings for the media pipeline in a configuration object.

              • MediaPipelineArn (string) –

                The media pipeline ARN in the configuration object of a media capture pipeline.

              • ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration (dict) –

                The meeting configuration settings in a media capture pipeline configuration object.

                • ArtifactsConfiguration (dict) –

                  The configuration for the artifacts in an Amazon Chime SDK meeting concatenation.

                  • Audio (dict) –

                    The configuration for the audio artifacts concatenation.

                    • State (string) –

                      Enables or disables the configuration object.

                  • Video (dict) –

                    The configuration for the video artifacts concatenation.

                    • State (string) –

                      Enables or disables the configuration object.

                  • Content (dict) –

                    The configuration for the content artifacts concatenation.

                    • State (string) –

                      Enables or disables the configuration object.

                  • DataChannel (dict) –

                    The configuration for the data channel artifacts concatenation.

                    • State (string) –

                      Enables or disables the configuration object.

                  • TranscriptionMessages (dict) –

                    The configuration for the transcription messages artifacts concatenation.

                    • State (string) –

                      Enables or disables the configuration object.

                  • MeetingEvents (dict) –

                    The configuration for the meeting events artifacts concatenation.

                    • State (string) –

                      Enables or disables the configuration object.

                  • CompositedVideo (dict) –

                    The configuration for the composited video artifacts concatenation.

                    • State (string) –

                      Enables or disables the configuration object.

        • Sinks (list) –

          The data sinks of the concatenation pipeline.

          • (dict) –

            The data sink of the configuration object.

            • Type (string) –

              The type of data sink in the configuration object.

            • S3BucketSinkConfiguration (dict) –

              The configuration settings for an Amazon S3 bucket sink.

              • Destination (string) –

                The destination URL of the S3 bucket.

        • Status (string) –

          The status of the concatenation pipeline.

        • CreatedTimestamp (datetime) –

          The time at which the concatenation pipeline was created.

        • UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) –

          The time at which the concatenation pipeline was last updated.

      • MediaInsightsPipeline (dict) –

        The media insights pipeline of a media pipeline.

        • MediaPipelineId (string) –

          The ID of a media insights pipeline.

        • MediaPipelineArn (string) –

          The ARN of a media insights pipeline.

        • MediaInsightsPipelineConfigurationArn (string) –

          The ARN of a media insight pipeline’s configuration settings.

        • Status (string) –

          The status of a media insights pipeline.

        • KinesisVideoStreamSourceRuntimeConfiguration (dict) –

          The configuration settings for a Kinesis runtime video stream in a media insights pipeline.

          • Streams (list) –

            The streams in the source runtime configuration of a Kinesis video stream.

            • (dict) –

              The configuration settings for a stream.

              • StreamArn (string) –

                The ARN of the stream.

              • FragmentNumber (string) –

                The unique identifier of the fragment to begin processing.

              • StreamChannelDefinition (dict) –

                The streaming channel definition in the stream configuration.

                • NumberOfChannels (integer) –

                  The number of channels in a streaming channel.

                • ChannelDefinitions (list) –

                  The definitions of the channels in a streaming channel.

                  • (dict) –

                    Defines an audio channel in a Kinesis video stream.

                    • ChannelId (integer) –

                      The channel ID.

                    • ParticipantRole (string) –

                      Specifies whether the audio in a channel belongs to the AGENT or CUSTOMER.

          • MediaEncoding (string) –

            Specifies the encoding of your input audio. Supported format: PCM (only signed 16-bit little-endian audio formats, which does not include WAV)

            For more information, see Media formats in the Amazon Transcribe Developer Guide.

          • MediaSampleRate (integer) –

            The sample rate of the input audio (in hertz). Low-quality audio, such as telephone audio, is typically around 8,000 Hz. High-quality audio typically ranges from 16,000 Hz to 48,000 Hz. Note that the sample rate you specify must match that of your audio.

            Valid Range: Minimum value of 8000. Maximum value of 48000.

        • MediaInsightsRuntimeMetadata (dict) –

          The runtime metadata of a media insights pipeline.

          • (string) –

            • (string) –

        • KinesisVideoStreamRecordingSourceRuntimeConfiguration (dict) –

          The runtime configuration settings for a Kinesis recording video stream in a media insights pipeline.

          • Streams (list) –

            The stream or streams to be recorded.

            • (dict) –

              A structure that holds the settings for recording media.

              • StreamArn (string) –

                The ARN of the recording stream.

          • FragmentSelector (dict) –

            Describes the timestamp range and timestamp origin of a range of fragments in the Kinesis video stream.

            • FragmentSelectorType (string) –

              The origin of the timestamps to use, Server or Producer. For more information, see StartSelectorType in the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Developer Guide.

            • TimestampRange (dict) –

              The range of timestamps to return.

              • StartTimestamp (datetime) –

                The starting timestamp for the specified range.

              • EndTimestamp (datetime) –

                The ending timestamp for the specified range.

        • S3RecordingSinkRuntimeConfiguration (dict) –

          The runtime configuration of the Amazon S3 bucket that stores recordings in a media insights pipeline.

          • Destination (string) –

            The URI of the S3 bucket used as the sink.

          • RecordingFileFormat (string) –

            The file format for the media files sent to the Amazon S3 bucket.

        • CreatedTimestamp (datetime) –

          The time at which the media insights pipeline was created.

        • ElementStatuses (list) –

          The statuses that the elements in a media insights pipeline can have during data processing.

          • (dict) –

            The status of the pipeline element.

            • Type (string) –

              The type of status.

            • Status (string) –

              The element’s status.

      • MediaStreamPipeline (dict) –

        Designates a media pipeline as a media stream pipeline.

        • MediaPipelineId (string) –

          The ID of the media stream pipeline

        • MediaPipelineArn (string) –

          The ARN of the media stream pipeline.

        • CreatedTimestamp (datetime) –

          The time at which the media stream pipeline was created.

        • UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) –

          The time at which the media stream pipeline was updated.

        • Status (string) –

          The status of the media stream pipeline.

        • Sources (list) –

          The media stream pipeline’s data sources.

          • (dict) –

            Structure that contains the settings for media stream sources.

            • SourceType (string) –

              The type of media stream source.

            • SourceArn (string) –

              The ARN of the meeting.

        • Sinks (list) –

          The media stream pipeline’s data sinks.

          • (dict) –

            Structure that contains the settings for a media stream sink.

            • SinkArn (string) –

              The ARN of the Kinesis Video Stream pool returned by the CreateMediaPipelineKinesisVideoStreamPool API.

            • SinkType (string) –

              The media stream sink’s type.

            • ReservedStreamCapacity (integer) –

              Specifies the number of streams that the sink can accept.

            • MediaStreamType (string) –

              The media stream sink’s media stream type.


  • ChimeSDKMediaPipelines.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException

  • ChimeSDKMediaPipelines.Client.exceptions.ForbiddenException

  • ChimeSDKMediaPipelines.Client.exceptions.UnauthorizedClientException

  • ChimeSDKMediaPipelines.Client.exceptions.ThrottledClientException

  • ChimeSDKMediaPipelines.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException

  • ChimeSDKMediaPipelines.Client.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException

  • ChimeSDKMediaPipelines.Client.exceptions.ServiceFailureException