CleanRoomsService / Client / update_protected_query
- CleanRoomsService.Client.update_protected_query(**kwargs)#
Updates the processing of a currently running query.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.update_protected_query( membershipIdentifier='string', protectedQueryIdentifier='string', targetStatus='CANCELLED' )
- Parameters:
membershipIdentifier (string) –
The identifier for a member of a protected query instance.
protectedQueryIdentifier (string) –
The identifier for a protected query instance.
targetStatus (string) –
The target status of a query. Used to update the execution status of a currently running query.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'protectedQuery': { 'id': 'string', 'membershipId': 'string', 'membershipArn': 'string', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'sqlParameters': { 'queryString': 'string', 'analysisTemplateArn': 'string', 'parameters': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'status': 'SUBMITTED'|'STARTED'|'CANCELLED'|'CANCELLING'|'FAILED'|'SUCCESS'|'TIMED_OUT', 'resultConfiguration': { 'outputConfiguration': { 's3': { 'resultFormat': 'CSV'|'PARQUET', 'bucket': 'string', 'keyPrefix': 'string', 'singleFileOutput': True|False }, 'member': { 'accountId': 'string' } } }, 'statistics': { 'totalDurationInMillis': 123, 'billedResourceUtilization': { 'units': 123.0 } }, 'result': { 'output': { 's3': { 'location': 'string' }, 'memberList': [ { 'accountId': 'string' }, ] } }, 'error': { 'message': 'string', 'code': 'string' }, 'differentialPrivacy': { 'sensitivityParameters': [ { 'aggregationType': 'AVG'|'COUNT'|'COUNT_DISTINCT'|'SUM'|'STDDEV', 'aggregationExpression': 'string', 'userContributionLimit': 123, 'minColumnValue': ..., 'maxColumnValue': ... }, ] }, 'computeConfiguration': { 'worker': { 'type': 'CR.1X'|'CR.4X', 'number': 123 } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) –
protectedQuery (dict) –
The protected query output.
id (string) –
The identifier for a protected query instance.
membershipId (string) –
The identifier for the membership.
membershipArn (string) –
The ARN of the membership.
createTime (datetime) –
The time at which the protected query was created.
sqlParameters (dict) –
The protected query SQL parameters.
queryString (string) –
The query string to be submitted.
analysisTemplateArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the analysis template within a collaboration.
parameters (dict) –
The protected query SQL parameters.
(string) –
(string) –
status (string) –
The status of the query.
resultConfiguration (dict) –
Contains any details needed to write the query results.
outputConfiguration (dict) –
Configuration for protected query results.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set:
. If a client receives an unknown member it will setSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure ofSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
is as follows:'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
s3 (dict) –
Required configuration for a protected query with an
output type.resultFormat (string) –
Intended file format of the result.
bucket (string) –
The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.
keyPrefix (string) –
The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.
singleFileOutput (boolean) –
Indicates whether files should be output as a single file (
) or output as multiple files (FALSE
). This parameter is only supported for analyses with the Spark analytics engine.
member (dict) –
Required configuration for a protected query with a
output type.accountId (string) –
The unique identifier for the account.
statistics (dict) –
Statistics about protected query execution.
totalDurationInMillis (integer) –
The duration of the protected query, from creation until query completion, in milliseconds.
billedResourceUtilization (dict) –
The billed resource utilization.
units (float) –
The number of Clean Rooms Processing Unit (CRPU) hours that have been billed.
result (dict) –
The result of the protected query.
output (dict) –
The output of the protected query.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set:
. If a client receives an unknown member it will setSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure ofSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
is as follows:'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
s3 (dict) –
If present, the output for a protected query with an S3 output type.
location (string) –
The S3 location of the result.
memberList (list) –
The list of member Amazon Web Services account(s) that received the results of the query.
(dict) –
Details about the member who received the query result.
accountId (string) –
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member in the collaboration who can receive results for the query.
error (dict) –
An error thrown by the protected query.
message (string) –
A description of why the query failed.
code (string) –
An error code for the error.
differentialPrivacy (dict) –
The sensitivity parameters of the differential privacy results of the protected query.
sensitivityParameters (list) –
Provides the sensitivity parameters that you can use to better understand the total amount of noise in query results.
(dict) –
Provides the sensitivity parameters.
aggregationType (string) –
The type of aggregation function that was run.
aggregationExpression (string) –
The aggregation expression that was run.
userContributionLimit (integer) –
The maximum number of rows contributed by a user in a SQL query.
minColumnValue (float) –
The lower bound of the aggregation expression.
maxColumnValue (float) –
The upper bound of the aggregation expression.
computeConfiguration (dict) –
The compute configuration for the protected query.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set:
. If a client receives an unknown member it will setSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure ofSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
is as follows:'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
worker (dict) –
The worker configuration for the compute environment.
type (string) –
The worker compute configuration type.
number (integer) –
The number of workers.