CognitoIdentityProvider / Client / delete_user_attributes



Deletes attributes from the currently signed-in user. For example, your application can submit a request to this operation when a user wants to remove their birthdate attribute value.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user’s access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.


Amazon Cognito doesn’t evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can’t use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can’t grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.delete_user_attributes(
  • UserAttributeNames (list) –


    An array of strings representing the user attribute names you want to delete.

    For custom attributes, you must prepend the custom: prefix to the attribute name, for example custom:department.

    • (string) –

  • AccessToken (string) –


    A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the currently signed-in user. Must include a scope claim for aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Return type:



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    Represents the response from the server to delete user attributes.


  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.NotAuthorizedException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.PasswordResetRequiredException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserNotFoundException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.UserNotConfirmedException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.InternalErrorException

  • CognitoIdentityProvider.Client.exceptions.ForbiddenException