EKS / Client / describe_addon_configuration



Returns configuration options.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_addon_configuration(
  • addonName (string) –


    The name of the add-on. The name must match one of the names returned by DescribeAddonVersions.

  • addonVersion (string) –


    The version of the add-on. The version must match one of the versions returned by DescribeAddonVersions.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'addonName': 'string',
    'addonVersion': 'string',
    'configurationSchema': 'string',
    'podIdentityConfiguration': [
            'serviceAccount': 'string',
            'recommendedManagedPolicies': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • addonName (string) –

      The name of the add-on.

    • addonVersion (string) –

      The version of the add-on. The version must match one of the versions returned by DescribeAddonVersions.

    • configurationSchema (string) –

      A JSON schema that’s used to validate the configuration values you provide when an add-on is created or updated.

    • podIdentityConfiguration (list) –

      The Kubernetes service account name used by the addon, and any suggested IAM policies. Use this information to create an IAM Role for the Addon.

      • (dict) –

        Information about how to configure IAM for an Addon.

        • serviceAccount (string) –

          The Kubernetes Service Account name used by the addon.

        • recommendedManagedPolicies (list) –

          A suggested IAM Policy for the addon.

          • (string) –


  • EKS.Client.exceptions.ServerException

  • EKS.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • EKS.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException