MediaTailor / Client / describe_channel
- MediaTailor.Client.describe_channel(**kwargs)#
Describes a channel. For information about MediaTailor channels, see Working with channels in the MediaTailor User Guide.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.describe_channel( ChannelName='string' )
- Parameters:
ChannelName (string) –
The name of the channel.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'ChannelName': 'string', 'ChannelState': 'RUNNING'|'STOPPED', 'CreationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'FillerSlate': { 'SourceLocationName': 'string', 'VodSourceName': 'string' }, 'LastModifiedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Outputs': [ { 'DashPlaylistSettings': { 'ManifestWindowSeconds': 123, 'MinBufferTimeSeconds': 123, 'MinUpdatePeriodSeconds': 123, 'SuggestedPresentationDelaySeconds': 123 }, 'HlsPlaylistSettings': { 'ManifestWindowSeconds': 123, 'AdMarkupType': [ 'DATERANGE'|'SCTE35_ENHANCED', ] }, 'ManifestName': 'string', 'PlaybackUrl': 'string', 'SourceGroup': 'string' }, ], 'PlaybackMode': 'string', 'Tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'Tier': 'string', 'LogConfiguration': { 'LogTypes': [ 'AS_RUN', ] }, 'TimeShiftConfiguration': { 'MaxTimeDelaySeconds': 123 }, 'Audiences': [ 'string', ] }
Response Structure
(dict) –
Arn (string) –
The ARN of the channel.
ChannelName (string) –
The name of the channel.
ChannelState (string) –
Indicates whether the channel is in a running state or not.
CreationTime (datetime) –
The timestamp of when the channel was created.
FillerSlate (dict) –
Contains information about the slate used to fill gaps between programs in the schedule.
SourceLocationName (string) –
The name of the source location where the slate VOD source is stored.
VodSourceName (string) –
The slate VOD source name. The VOD source must already exist in a source location before it can be used for slate.
LastModifiedTime (datetime) –
The timestamp of when the channel was last modified.
Outputs (list) –
The channel’s output properties.
(dict) –
The output item response.
DashPlaylistSettings (dict) –
DASH manifest configuration settings.
ManifestWindowSeconds (integer) –
The total duration (in seconds) of each manifest. Minimum value:
seconds. Maximum value:3600
seconds.MinBufferTimeSeconds (integer) –
Minimum amount of content (measured in seconds) that a player must keep available in the buffer. Minimum value:
seconds. Maximum value:60
seconds.MinUpdatePeriodSeconds (integer) –
Minimum amount of time (in seconds) that the player should wait before requesting updates to the manifest. Minimum value:
seconds. Maximum value:60
seconds.SuggestedPresentationDelaySeconds (integer) –
Amount of time (in seconds) that the player should be from the live point at the end of the manifest. Minimum value:
seconds. Maximum value:60
HlsPlaylistSettings (dict) –
HLS manifest configuration settings.
ManifestWindowSeconds (integer) –
The total duration (in seconds) of each manifest. Minimum value:
seconds. Maximum value:3600
seconds.AdMarkupType (list) –
Determines the type of SCTE 35 tags to use in ad markup. Specify
tags (for live or VOD content). SpecifySCTE35_ENHANCED
tags (for VOD content only).(string) –
ManifestName (string) –
The name of the manifest for the channel that will appear in the channel output’s playback URL.
PlaybackUrl (string) –
The URL used for playback by content players.
SourceGroup (string) –
A string used to associate a package configuration source group with a channel output.
PlaybackMode (string) –
The channel’s playback mode.
Tags (dict) –
The tags assigned to the channel. Tags are key-value pairs that you can associate with Amazon resources to help with organization, access control, and cost tracking. For more information, see Tagging AWS Elemental MediaTailor Resources.
(string) –
(string) –
Tier (string) –
The channel’s tier.
LogConfiguration (dict) –
The log configuration for the channel.
LogTypes (list) –
The log types.
(string) –
TimeShiftConfiguration (dict) –
The time-shifted viewing configuration for the channel.
MaxTimeDelaySeconds (integer) –
The maximum time delay for time-shifted viewing. The minimum allowed maximum time delay is 0 seconds, and the maximum allowed maximum time delay is 21600 seconds (6 hours).
Audiences (list) –
The list of audiences defined in channel.
(string) –