QuickSight / Client / batch_create_topic_reviewed_answer



Creates new reviewed answers for a Q Topic.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.batch_create_topic_reviewed_answer(
            'AnswerId': 'string',
            'DatasetArn': 'string',
            'Question': 'string',
            'Mir': {
                'Metrics': [
                        'MetricId': {
                            'Identity': 'string'
                        'Function': {
                            'AggregationFunctionParameters': {
                                'string': 'string'
                            'Period': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR',
                            'PeriodField': 'string'
                        'Operands': [
                                'Identity': 'string'
                        'ComparisonMethod': {
                            'Period': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR',
                            'WindowSize': 123
                        'Expression': 'string',
                        'CalculatedFieldReferences': [
                                'Identity': 'string'
                        'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING',
                        'DisplayFormatOptions': {
                            'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False,
                            'BlankCellFormat': 'string',
                            'DateFormat': 'string',
                            'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT',
                            'GroupingSeparator': 'string',
                            'UseGrouping': True|False,
                            'FractionDigits': 123,
                            'Prefix': 'string',
                            'Suffix': 'string',
                            'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS',
                            'NegativeFormat': {
                                'Prefix': 'string',
                                'Suffix': 'string'
                            'CurrencySymbol': 'string'
                        'NamedEntity': {
                            'NamedEntityName': 'string'
                'GroupByList': [
                        'FieldName': {
                            'Identity': 'string'
                        'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR',
                        'Sort': {
                            'Operand': {
                                'Identity': 'string'
                            'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                        'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING',
                        'DisplayFormatOptions': {
                            'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False,
                            'BlankCellFormat': 'string',
                            'DateFormat': 'string',
                            'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT',
                            'GroupingSeparator': 'string',
                            'UseGrouping': True|False,
                            'FractionDigits': 123,
                            'Prefix': 'string',
                            'Suffix': 'string',
                            'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS',
                            'NegativeFormat': {
                                'Prefix': 'string',
                                'Suffix': 'string'
                            'CurrencySymbol': 'string'
                        'NamedEntity': {
                            'NamedEntityName': 'string'
                'Filters': [
                            'OperandField': {
                                'Identity': 'string'
                            'Function': 'CONTAINS'|'EXACT'|'STARTS_WITH'|'ENDS_WITH'|'CONTAINS_STRING'|'PREVIOUS'|'THIS'|'LAST'|'NEXT'|'NOW',
                            'Constant': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'Inverse': True|False,
                            'NullFilter': 'ALL_VALUES'|'NON_NULLS_ONLY'|'NULLS_ONLY',
                            'AggregationFunctionParameters': {
                                'string': 'string'
                            'AggregationPartitionBy': [
                                    'FieldName': 'string',
                                    'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND'
                            'Range': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'Inclusive': True|False,
                            'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                            'LastNextOffset': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'AggMetrics': [
                                    'MetricOperand': {
                                        'Identity': 'string'
                                    'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                            'TopBottomLimit': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING',
                            'Anchor': {
                                'AnchorType': 'TODAY',
                                'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                                'Offset': 123
                'Sort': {
                    'Operand': {
                        'Identity': 'string'
                    'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                'ContributionAnalysis': {
                    'Factors': [
                            'FieldName': 'string'
                    'TimeRanges': {
                        'StartRange': {
                            'OperandField': {
                                'Identity': 'string'
                            'Function': 'CONTAINS'|'EXACT'|'STARTS_WITH'|'ENDS_WITH'|'CONTAINS_STRING'|'PREVIOUS'|'THIS'|'LAST'|'NEXT'|'NOW',
                            'Constant': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'Inverse': True|False,
                            'NullFilter': 'ALL_VALUES'|'NON_NULLS_ONLY'|'NULLS_ONLY',
                            'AggregationFunctionParameters': {
                                'string': 'string'
                            'AggregationPartitionBy': [
                                    'FieldName': 'string',
                                    'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND'
                            'Range': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'Inclusive': True|False,
                            'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                            'LastNextOffset': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'AggMetrics': [
                                    'MetricOperand': {
                                        'Identity': 'string'
                                    'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                            'TopBottomLimit': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING',
                            'Anchor': {
                                'AnchorType': 'TODAY',
                                'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                                'Offset': 123
                        'EndRange': {
                            'OperandField': {
                                'Identity': 'string'
                            'Function': 'CONTAINS'|'EXACT'|'STARTS_WITH'|'ENDS_WITH'|'CONTAINS_STRING'|'PREVIOUS'|'THIS'|'LAST'|'NEXT'|'NOW',
                            'Constant': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'Inverse': True|False,
                            'NullFilter': 'ALL_VALUES'|'NON_NULLS_ONLY'|'NULLS_ONLY',
                            'AggregationFunctionParameters': {
                                'string': 'string'
                            'AggregationPartitionBy': [
                                    'FieldName': 'string',
                                    'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND'
                            'Range': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'Inclusive': True|False,
                            'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                            'LastNextOffset': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'AggMetrics': [
                                    'MetricOperand': {
                                        'Identity': 'string'
                                    'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                            'TopBottomLimit': {
                                'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                'Value': 'string',
                                'Minimum': 'string',
                                'Maximum': 'string',
                                'ValueList': [
                                        'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                        'Value': 'string'
                            'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING',
                            'Anchor': {
                                'AnchorType': 'TODAY',
                                'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                                'Offset': 123
                    'Direction': 'INCREASE'|'DECREASE'|'NEUTRAL',
                'Visual': {
                    'type': 'string'
            'PrimaryVisual': {
                'VisualId': 'string',
                'Ir': {
                    'Metrics': [
                            'MetricId': {
                                'Identity': 'string'
                            'Function': {
                                'AggregationFunctionParameters': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                                'Period': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR',
                                'PeriodField': 'string'
                            'Operands': [
                                    'Identity': 'string'
                            'ComparisonMethod': {
                                'Period': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR',
                                'WindowSize': 123
                            'Expression': 'string',
                            'CalculatedFieldReferences': [
                                    'Identity': 'string'
                            'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING',
                            'DisplayFormatOptions': {
                                'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False,
                                'BlankCellFormat': 'string',
                                'DateFormat': 'string',
                                'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT',
                                'GroupingSeparator': 'string',
                                'UseGrouping': True|False,
                                'FractionDigits': 123,
                                'Prefix': 'string',
                                'Suffix': 'string',
                                'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS',
                                'NegativeFormat': {
                                    'Prefix': 'string',
                                    'Suffix': 'string'
                                'CurrencySymbol': 'string'
                            'NamedEntity': {
                                'NamedEntityName': 'string'
                    'GroupByList': [
                            'FieldName': {
                                'Identity': 'string'
                            'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR',
                            'Sort': {
                                'Operand': {
                                    'Identity': 'string'
                                'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                            'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING',
                            'DisplayFormatOptions': {
                                'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False,
                                'BlankCellFormat': 'string',
                                'DateFormat': 'string',
                                'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT',
                                'GroupingSeparator': 'string',
                                'UseGrouping': True|False,
                                'FractionDigits': 123,
                                'Prefix': 'string',
                                'Suffix': 'string',
                                'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS',
                                'NegativeFormat': {
                                    'Prefix': 'string',
                                    'Suffix': 'string'
                                'CurrencySymbol': 'string'
                            'NamedEntity': {
                                'NamedEntityName': 'string'
                    'Filters': [
                                'FilterClass': 'ENFORCED_VALUE_FILTER'|'CONDITIONAL_VALUE_FILTER'|'NAMED_VALUE_FILTER',
                                'OperandField': {
                                    'Identity': 'string'
                                'Function': 'CONTAINS'|'EXACT'|'STARTS_WITH'|'ENDS_WITH'|'CONTAINS_STRING'|'PREVIOUS'|'THIS'|'LAST'|'NEXT'|'NOW',
                                'Constant': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'Inverse': True|False,
                                'NullFilter': 'ALL_VALUES'|'NON_NULLS_ONLY'|'NULLS_ONLY',
                                'AggregationFunctionParameters': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                                'AggregationPartitionBy': [
                                        'FieldName': 'string',
                                        'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND'
                                'Range': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'Inclusive': True|False,
                                'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                                'LastNextOffset': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'AggMetrics': [
                                        'MetricOperand': {
                                            'Identity': 'string'
                                        'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                                'TopBottomLimit': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING',
                                'Anchor': {
                                    'AnchorType': 'TODAY',
                                    'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                                    'Offset': 123
                    'Sort': {
                        'Operand': {
                            'Identity': 'string'
                        'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                    'ContributionAnalysis': {
                        'Factors': [
                                'FieldName': 'string'
                        'TimeRanges': {
                            'StartRange': {
                                'FilterClass': 'ENFORCED_VALUE_FILTER'|'CONDITIONAL_VALUE_FILTER'|'NAMED_VALUE_FILTER',
                                'OperandField': {
                                    'Identity': 'string'
                                'Function': 'CONTAINS'|'EXACT'|'STARTS_WITH'|'ENDS_WITH'|'CONTAINS_STRING'|'PREVIOUS'|'THIS'|'LAST'|'NEXT'|'NOW',
                                'Constant': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'Inverse': True|False,
                                'NullFilter': 'ALL_VALUES'|'NON_NULLS_ONLY'|'NULLS_ONLY',
                                'AggregationFunctionParameters': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                                'AggregationPartitionBy': [
                                        'FieldName': 'string',
                                        'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND'
                                'Range': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'Inclusive': True|False,
                                'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                                'LastNextOffset': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'AggMetrics': [
                                        'MetricOperand': {
                                            'Identity': 'string'
                                        'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                                'TopBottomLimit': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING',
                                'Anchor': {
                                    'AnchorType': 'TODAY',
                                    'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                                    'Offset': 123
                            'EndRange': {
                                'FilterClass': 'ENFORCED_VALUE_FILTER'|'CONDITIONAL_VALUE_FILTER'|'NAMED_VALUE_FILTER',
                                'OperandField': {
                                    'Identity': 'string'
                                'Function': 'CONTAINS'|'EXACT'|'STARTS_WITH'|'ENDS_WITH'|'CONTAINS_STRING'|'PREVIOUS'|'THIS'|'LAST'|'NEXT'|'NOW',
                                'Constant': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'Inverse': True|False,
                                'NullFilter': 'ALL_VALUES'|'NON_NULLS_ONLY'|'NULLS_ONLY',
                                'AggregationFunctionParameters': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                                'AggregationPartitionBy': [
                                        'FieldName': 'string',
                                        'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND'
                                'Range': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'Inclusive': True|False,
                                'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                                'LastNextOffset': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'AggMetrics': [
                                        'MetricOperand': {
                                            'Identity': 'string'
                                        'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'
                                'TopBottomLimit': {
                                    'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                    'Value': 'string',
                                    'Minimum': 'string',
                                    'Maximum': 'string',
                                    'ValueList': [
                                            'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE',
                                            'Value': 'string'
                                'SortDirection': 'ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING',
                                'Anchor': {
                                    'AnchorType': 'TODAY',
                                    'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND',
                                    'Offset': 123
                        'Direction': 'INCREASE'|'DECREASE'|'NEUTRAL',
                    'Visual': {
                        'type': 'string'
                'SupportingVisuals': [
                    {'... recursive ...'},
            'Template': {
                'TemplateType': 'string',
                'Slots': [
                        'SlotId': 'string',
                        'VisualId': 'string'
  • AwsAccountId (string) –


    The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a reviewed answer in.

  • TopicId (string) –


    The ID for the topic reviewed answer that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

  • Answers (list) –


    The definition of the Answers to be created.

    • (dict) –

      The definition for a CreateTopicReviewedAnswer.

      • AnswerId (string) – [REQUIRED]

        The answer ID for the CreateTopicReviewedAnswer.

      • DatasetArn (string) – [REQUIRED]

        The Dataset arn for the CreateTopicReviewedAnswer.

      • Question (string) – [REQUIRED]

        The Question to be created.

      • Mir (dict) –

        The Mir for the CreateTopicReviewedAnswer.

        • Metrics (list) –

          The metrics for the TopicIR.

          • (dict) –

            The definition for a TopicIRMetric.

            • MetricId (dict) –

              The metric ID for the TopicIRMetric.

              • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                The identity of the identifier.

            • Function (dict) –

              The function for the TopicIRMetric.

              • Aggregation (string) –

                The aggregation of an Agg function.

              • AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) –

                The aggregation parameters for an Agg function.

                • (string) –

                  • (string) –

              • Period (string) –

                The period of an Agg function.

              • PeriodField (string) –

                The period field for an Agg function.

            • Operands (list) –

              The operands for the TopicIRMetric.

              • (dict) –

                The definition for the identifier.

                • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                  The identity of the identifier.

            • ComparisonMethod (dict) –

              The comparison method for the TopicIRMetric.

              • Type (string) –

                The type for the TopicIRComparisonMethod.

              • Period (string) –

                The period for the TopicIRComparisonMethod.

              • WindowSize (integer) –

                The window size for the TopicIRComparisonMethod.

            • Expression (string) –

              The expression for the TopicIRMetric.

            • CalculatedFieldReferences (list) –

              The calculated field references for the TopicIRMetric.

              • (dict) –

                The definition for the identifier.

                • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                  The identity of the identifier.

            • DisplayFormat (string) –

              The display format for the TopicIRMetric.

            • DisplayFormatOptions (dict) –

              A structure that represents additional options for display formatting.

              • UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) –

                A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.

              • BlankCellFormat (string) –

                Determines the blank cell format.

              • DateFormat (string) –

                Determines the DateTime format.

              • DecimalSeparator (string) –

                Determines the decimal separator.

              • GroupingSeparator (string) –

                Determines the grouping separator.

              • UseGrouping (boolean) –

                A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.

              • FractionDigits (integer) –

                Determines the number of fraction digits.

              • Prefix (string) –

                The prefix value for a display format.

              • Suffix (string) –

                The suffix value for a display format.

              • UnitScaler (string) –

                The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.

              • NegativeFormat (dict) –

                The negative format.

                • Prefix (string) –

                  The prefix for a negative format.

                • Suffix (string) –

                  The suffix for a negative format.

              • CurrencySymbol (string) –

                The currency symbol, such as USD.

            • NamedEntity (dict) –

              The named entity for the TopicIRMetric.

              • NamedEntityName (string) –

                The NamedEntityName for the NamedEntityRef.

        • GroupByList (list) –

          The GroupBy list for the TopicIR.

          • (dict) –

            The definition for a TopicIRGroupBy.

            • FieldName (dict) –

              The field name for the TopicIRGroupBy.

              • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                The identity of the identifier.

            • TimeGranularity (string) –

              The time granularity for the TopicIRGroupBy.

            • Sort (dict) –

              The sort for the TopicIRGroupBy.

              • Operand (dict) –

                The operand for a TopicSortClause.

                • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                  The identity of the identifier.

              • SortDirection (string) –

                The sort direction for the TopicSortClause.

            • DisplayFormat (string) –

              The display format for the TopicIRGroupBy.

            • DisplayFormatOptions (dict) –

              A structure that represents additional options for display formatting.

              • UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) –

                A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.

              • BlankCellFormat (string) –

                Determines the blank cell format.

              • DateFormat (string) –

                Determines the DateTime format.

              • DecimalSeparator (string) –

                Determines the decimal separator.

              • GroupingSeparator (string) –

                Determines the grouping separator.

              • UseGrouping (boolean) –

                A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.

              • FractionDigits (integer) –

                Determines the number of fraction digits.

              • Prefix (string) –

                The prefix value for a display format.

              • Suffix (string) –

                The suffix value for a display format.

              • UnitScaler (string) –

                The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.

              • NegativeFormat (dict) –

                The negative format.

                • Prefix (string) –

                  The prefix for a negative format.

                • Suffix (string) –

                  The suffix for a negative format.

              • CurrencySymbol (string) –

                The currency symbol, such as USD.

            • NamedEntity (dict) –

              The named entity for the TopicIRGroupBy.

              • NamedEntityName (string) –

                The NamedEntityName for the NamedEntityRef.

        • Filters (list) –

          The filters for the TopicIR.

          • (list) –

            • (dict) –

              The definition for a TopicIRFilterOption.

              • FilterType (string) –

                The filter type for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • FilterClass (string) –

                The filter class for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • OperandField (dict) –

                The operand field for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                  The identity of the identifier.

              • Function (string) –

                The function for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • Constant (dict) –

                The constant for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • Inverse (boolean) –

                The inverse for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • NullFilter (string) –

                The null filter for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • Aggregation (string) –

                The aggregation for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) –

                The aggregation function parameters for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • (string) –

                  • (string) –

              • AggregationPartitionBy (list) –

                The AggregationPartitionBy for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • (dict) –

                  The definition of an AggregationPartitionBy.

                  • FieldName (string) –

                    The field Name for an AggregationPartitionBy.

                  • TimeGranularity (string) –

                    The TimeGranularity for an AggregationPartitionBy.

              • Range (dict) –

                The range for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • Inclusive (boolean) –

                The inclusive for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • TimeGranularity (string) –

                The time granularity for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • LastNextOffset (dict) –

                The last next offset for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • AggMetrics (list) –

                The agg metrics for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • (dict) –

                  The definition for the FilterAggMetrics.

                  • MetricOperand (dict) –

                    The metric operand of the FilterAggMetrics.

                    • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                      The identity of the identifier.

                  • Function (string) –

                    The function for the FilterAggMetrics.

                  • SortDirection (string) –

                    The sort direction for FilterAggMetrics.

              • TopBottomLimit (dict) –

                The TopBottomLimit for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • SortDirection (string) –

                The sort direction for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • Anchor (dict) –

                The anchor for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • AnchorType (string) –

                  The AnchorType for the Anchor.

                • TimeGranularity (string) –

                  The TimeGranularity of the Anchor.

                • Offset (integer) –

                  The offset of the Anchor.

        • Sort (dict) –

          The sort for the TopicIR.

          • Operand (dict) –

            The operand for a TopicSortClause.

            • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

              The identity of the identifier.

          • SortDirection (string) –

            The sort direction for the TopicSortClause.

        • ContributionAnalysis (dict) –

          The contribution analysis for the TopicIR.

          • Factors (list) –

            The factors for a TopicIRContributionAnalysis.

            • (dict) –

              The definition for the ContributionAnalysisFactor.

              • FieldName (string) –

                The field name of the ContributionAnalysisFactor.

          • TimeRanges (dict) –

            The time ranges for the TopicIRContributionAnalysis.

            • StartRange (dict) –

              The start range for the ContributionAnalysisTimeRanges.

              • FilterType (string) –

                The filter type for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • FilterClass (string) –

                The filter class for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • OperandField (dict) –

                The operand field for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                  The identity of the identifier.

              • Function (string) –

                The function for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • Constant (dict) –

                The constant for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • Inverse (boolean) –

                The inverse for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • NullFilter (string) –

                The null filter for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • Aggregation (string) –

                The aggregation for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) –

                The aggregation function parameters for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • (string) –

                  • (string) –

              • AggregationPartitionBy (list) –

                The AggregationPartitionBy for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • (dict) –

                  The definition of an AggregationPartitionBy.

                  • FieldName (string) –

                    The field Name for an AggregationPartitionBy.

                  • TimeGranularity (string) –

                    The TimeGranularity for an AggregationPartitionBy.

              • Range (dict) –

                The range for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • Inclusive (boolean) –

                The inclusive for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • TimeGranularity (string) –

                The time granularity for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • LastNextOffset (dict) –

                The last next offset for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • AggMetrics (list) –

                The agg metrics for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • (dict) –

                  The definition for the FilterAggMetrics.

                  • MetricOperand (dict) –

                    The metric operand of the FilterAggMetrics.

                    • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                      The identity of the identifier.

                  • Function (string) –

                    The function for the FilterAggMetrics.

                  • SortDirection (string) –

                    The sort direction for FilterAggMetrics.

              • TopBottomLimit (dict) –

                The TopBottomLimit for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • SortDirection (string) –

                The sort direction for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • Anchor (dict) –

                The anchor for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • AnchorType (string) –

                  The AnchorType for the Anchor.

                • TimeGranularity (string) –

                  The TimeGranularity of the Anchor.

                • Offset (integer) –

                  The offset of the Anchor.

            • EndRange (dict) –

              The end range for the ContributionAnalysisTimeRanges.

              • FilterType (string) –

                The filter type for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • FilterClass (string) –

                The filter class for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • OperandField (dict) –

                The operand field for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                  The identity of the identifier.

              • Function (string) –

                The function for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • Constant (dict) –

                The constant for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • Inverse (boolean) –

                The inverse for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • NullFilter (string) –

                The null filter for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • Aggregation (string) –

                The aggregation for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) –

                The aggregation function parameters for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • (string) –

                  • (string) –

              • AggregationPartitionBy (list) –

                The AggregationPartitionBy for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • (dict) –

                  The definition of an AggregationPartitionBy.

                  • FieldName (string) –

                    The field Name for an AggregationPartitionBy.

                  • TimeGranularity (string) –

                    The TimeGranularity for an AggregationPartitionBy.

              • Range (dict) –

                The range for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • Inclusive (boolean) –

                The inclusive for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • TimeGranularity (string) –

                The time granularity for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • LastNextOffset (dict) –

                The last next offset for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • AggMetrics (list) –

                The agg metrics for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • (dict) –

                  The definition for the FilterAggMetrics.

                  • MetricOperand (dict) –

                    The metric operand of the FilterAggMetrics.

                    • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                      The identity of the identifier.

                  • Function (string) –

                    The function for the FilterAggMetrics.

                  • SortDirection (string) –

                    The sort direction for FilterAggMetrics.

              • TopBottomLimit (dict) –

                The TopBottomLimit for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • ConstantType (string) –

                  The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                • Minimum (string) –

                  The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • Maximum (string) –

                  The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                • ValueList (list) –

                  The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • ConstantType (string) –

                      The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                    • Value (string) –

                      The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

              • SortDirection (string) –

                The sort direction for the TopicIRFilterOption.

              • Anchor (dict) –

                The anchor for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • AnchorType (string) –

                  The AnchorType for the Anchor.

                • TimeGranularity (string) –

                  The TimeGranularity of the Anchor.

                • Offset (integer) –

                  The offset of the Anchor.

          • Direction (string) –

            The direction for the TopicIRContributionAnalysis.

          • SortType (string) –

            The sort type for the TopicIRContributionAnalysis.

        • Visual (dict) –

          The visual for the TopicIR.

          • type (string) –

            The type for a VisualOptions.

      • PrimaryVisual (dict) –

        The PrimaryVisual for the CreateTopicReviewedAnswer.

        • VisualId (string) –

          The visual ID for the TopicVisual.

        • Role (string) –

          The role for the TopicVisual.

        • Ir (dict) –

          The ir for the TopicVisual.

          • Metrics (list) –

            The metrics for the TopicIR.

            • (dict) –

              The definition for a TopicIRMetric.

              • MetricId (dict) –

                The metric ID for the TopicIRMetric.

                • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                  The identity of the identifier.

              • Function (dict) –

                The function for the TopicIRMetric.

                • Aggregation (string) –

                  The aggregation of an Agg function.

                • AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) –

                  The aggregation parameters for an Agg function.

                  • (string) –

                    • (string) –

                • Period (string) –

                  The period of an Agg function.

                • PeriodField (string) –

                  The period field for an Agg function.

              • Operands (list) –

                The operands for the TopicIRMetric.

                • (dict) –

                  The definition for the identifier.

                  • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                    The identity of the identifier.

              • ComparisonMethod (dict) –

                The comparison method for the TopicIRMetric.

                • Type (string) –

                  The type for the TopicIRComparisonMethod.

                • Period (string) –

                  The period for the TopicIRComparisonMethod.

                • WindowSize (integer) –

                  The window size for the TopicIRComparisonMethod.

              • Expression (string) –

                The expression for the TopicIRMetric.

              • CalculatedFieldReferences (list) –

                The calculated field references for the TopicIRMetric.

                • (dict) –

                  The definition for the identifier.

                  • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                    The identity of the identifier.

              • DisplayFormat (string) –

                The display format for the TopicIRMetric.

              • DisplayFormatOptions (dict) –

                A structure that represents additional options for display formatting.

                • UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) –

                  A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.

                • BlankCellFormat (string) –

                  Determines the blank cell format.

                • DateFormat (string) –

                  Determines the DateTime format.

                • DecimalSeparator (string) –

                  Determines the decimal separator.

                • GroupingSeparator (string) –

                  Determines the grouping separator.

                • UseGrouping (boolean) –

                  A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.

                • FractionDigits (integer) –

                  Determines the number of fraction digits.

                • Prefix (string) –

                  The prefix value for a display format.

                • Suffix (string) –

                  The suffix value for a display format.

                • UnitScaler (string) –

                  The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.

                • NegativeFormat (dict) –

                  The negative format.

                  • Prefix (string) –

                    The prefix for a negative format.

                  • Suffix (string) –

                    The suffix for a negative format.

                • CurrencySymbol (string) –

                  The currency symbol, such as USD.

              • NamedEntity (dict) –

                The named entity for the TopicIRMetric.

                • NamedEntityName (string) –

                  The NamedEntityName for the NamedEntityRef.

          • GroupByList (list) –

            The GroupBy list for the TopicIR.

            • (dict) –

              The definition for a TopicIRGroupBy.

              • FieldName (dict) –

                The field name for the TopicIRGroupBy.

                • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                  The identity of the identifier.

              • TimeGranularity (string) –

                The time granularity for the TopicIRGroupBy.

              • Sort (dict) –

                The sort for the TopicIRGroupBy.

                • Operand (dict) –

                  The operand for a TopicSortClause.

                  • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                    The identity of the identifier.

                • SortDirection (string) –

                  The sort direction for the TopicSortClause.

              • DisplayFormat (string) –

                The display format for the TopicIRGroupBy.

              • DisplayFormatOptions (dict) –

                A structure that represents additional options for display formatting.

                • UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) –

                  A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.

                • BlankCellFormat (string) –

                  Determines the blank cell format.

                • DateFormat (string) –

                  Determines the DateTime format.

                • DecimalSeparator (string) –

                  Determines the decimal separator.

                • GroupingSeparator (string) –

                  Determines the grouping separator.

                • UseGrouping (boolean) –

                  A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.

                • FractionDigits (integer) –

                  Determines the number of fraction digits.

                • Prefix (string) –

                  The prefix value for a display format.

                • Suffix (string) –

                  The suffix value for a display format.

                • UnitScaler (string) –

                  The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.

                • NegativeFormat (dict) –

                  The negative format.

                  • Prefix (string) –

                    The prefix for a negative format.

                  • Suffix (string) –

                    The suffix for a negative format.

                • CurrencySymbol (string) –

                  The currency symbol, such as USD.

              • NamedEntity (dict) –

                The named entity for the TopicIRGroupBy.

                • NamedEntityName (string) –

                  The NamedEntityName for the NamedEntityRef.

          • Filters (list) –

            The filters for the TopicIR.

            • (list) –

              • (dict) –

                The definition for a TopicIRFilterOption.

                • FilterType (string) –

                  The filter type for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • FilterClass (string) –

                  The filter class for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • OperandField (dict) –

                  The operand field for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                    The identity of the identifier.

                • Function (string) –

                  The function for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Constant (dict) –

                  The constant for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • Inverse (boolean) –

                  The inverse for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • NullFilter (string) –

                  The null filter for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Aggregation (string) –

                  The aggregation for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) –

                  The aggregation function parameters for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • (string) –

                    • (string) –

                • AggregationPartitionBy (list) –

                  The AggregationPartitionBy for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition of an AggregationPartitionBy.

                    • FieldName (string) –

                      The field Name for an AggregationPartitionBy.

                    • TimeGranularity (string) –

                      The TimeGranularity for an AggregationPartitionBy.

                • Range (dict) –

                  The range for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • Inclusive (boolean) –

                  The inclusive for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • TimeGranularity (string) –

                  The time granularity for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • LastNextOffset (dict) –

                  The last next offset for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • AggMetrics (list) –

                  The agg metrics for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for the FilterAggMetrics.

                    • MetricOperand (dict) –

                      The metric operand of the FilterAggMetrics.

                      • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                        The identity of the identifier.

                    • Function (string) –

                      The function for the FilterAggMetrics.

                    • SortDirection (string) –

                      The sort direction for FilterAggMetrics.

                • TopBottomLimit (dict) –

                  The TopBottomLimit for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • SortDirection (string) –

                  The sort direction for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Anchor (dict) –

                  The anchor for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • AnchorType (string) –

                    The AnchorType for the Anchor.

                  • TimeGranularity (string) –

                    The TimeGranularity of the Anchor.

                  • Offset (integer) –

                    The offset of the Anchor.

          • Sort (dict) –

            The sort for the TopicIR.

            • Operand (dict) –

              The operand for a TopicSortClause.

              • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                The identity of the identifier.

            • SortDirection (string) –

              The sort direction for the TopicSortClause.

          • ContributionAnalysis (dict) –

            The contribution analysis for the TopicIR.

            • Factors (list) –

              The factors for a TopicIRContributionAnalysis.

              • (dict) –

                The definition for the ContributionAnalysisFactor.

                • FieldName (string) –

                  The field name of the ContributionAnalysisFactor.

            • TimeRanges (dict) –

              The time ranges for the TopicIRContributionAnalysis.

              • StartRange (dict) –

                The start range for the ContributionAnalysisTimeRanges.

                • FilterType (string) –

                  The filter type for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • FilterClass (string) –

                  The filter class for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • OperandField (dict) –

                  The operand field for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                    The identity of the identifier.

                • Function (string) –

                  The function for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Constant (dict) –

                  The constant for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • Inverse (boolean) –

                  The inverse for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • NullFilter (string) –

                  The null filter for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Aggregation (string) –

                  The aggregation for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) –

                  The aggregation function parameters for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • (string) –

                    • (string) –

                • AggregationPartitionBy (list) –

                  The AggregationPartitionBy for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition of an AggregationPartitionBy.

                    • FieldName (string) –

                      The field Name for an AggregationPartitionBy.

                    • TimeGranularity (string) –

                      The TimeGranularity for an AggregationPartitionBy.

                • Range (dict) –

                  The range for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • Inclusive (boolean) –

                  The inclusive for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • TimeGranularity (string) –

                  The time granularity for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • LastNextOffset (dict) –

                  The last next offset for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • AggMetrics (list) –

                  The agg metrics for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for the FilterAggMetrics.

                    • MetricOperand (dict) –

                      The metric operand of the FilterAggMetrics.

                      • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                        The identity of the identifier.

                    • Function (string) –

                      The function for the FilterAggMetrics.

                    • SortDirection (string) –

                      The sort direction for FilterAggMetrics.

                • TopBottomLimit (dict) –

                  The TopBottomLimit for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • SortDirection (string) –

                  The sort direction for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Anchor (dict) –

                  The anchor for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • AnchorType (string) –

                    The AnchorType for the Anchor.

                  • TimeGranularity (string) –

                    The TimeGranularity of the Anchor.

                  • Offset (integer) –

                    The offset of the Anchor.

              • EndRange (dict) –

                The end range for the ContributionAnalysisTimeRanges.

                • FilterType (string) –

                  The filter type for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • FilterClass (string) –

                  The filter class for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • OperandField (dict) –

                  The operand field for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                    The identity of the identifier.

                • Function (string) –

                  The function for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Constant (dict) –

                  The constant for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • Inverse (boolean) –

                  The inverse for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • NullFilter (string) –

                  The null filter for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Aggregation (string) –

                  The aggregation for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) –

                  The aggregation function parameters for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • (string) –

                    • (string) –

                • AggregationPartitionBy (list) –

                  The AggregationPartitionBy for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition of an AggregationPartitionBy.

                    • FieldName (string) –

                      The field Name for an AggregationPartitionBy.

                    • TimeGranularity (string) –

                      The TimeGranularity for an AggregationPartitionBy.

                • Range (dict) –

                  The range for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • Inclusive (boolean) –

                  The inclusive for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • TimeGranularity (string) –

                  The time granularity for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • LastNextOffset (dict) –

                  The last next offset for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • AggMetrics (list) –

                  The agg metrics for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • (dict) –

                    The definition for the FilterAggMetrics.

                    • MetricOperand (dict) –

                      The metric operand of the FilterAggMetrics.

                      • Identity (string) – [REQUIRED]

                        The identity of the identifier.

                    • Function (string) –

                      The function for the FilterAggMetrics.

                    • SortDirection (string) –

                      The sort direction for FilterAggMetrics.

                • TopBottomLimit (dict) –

                  The TopBottomLimit for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • ConstantType (string) –

                    The constant type of a TopicConstantValue.

                  • Value (string) –

                    The value of the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Minimum (string) –

                    The minimum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • Maximum (string) –

                    The maximum for the TopicConstantValue.

                  • ValueList (list) –

                    The value list of the TopicConstantValue.

                    • (dict) –

                      The definition for a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • ConstantType (string) –

                        The ConstantType of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                      • Value (string) –

                        The value of a CollectiveConstantEntry.

                • SortDirection (string) –

                  The sort direction for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                • Anchor (dict) –

                  The anchor for the TopicIRFilterOption.

                  • AnchorType (string) –

                    The AnchorType for the Anchor.

                  • TimeGranularity (string) –

                    The TimeGranularity of the Anchor.

                  • Offset (integer) –

                    The offset of the Anchor.

            • Direction (string) –

              The direction for the TopicIRContributionAnalysis.

            • SortType (string) –

              The sort type for the TopicIRContributionAnalysis.

          • Visual (dict) –

            The visual for the TopicIR.

            • type (string) –

              The type for a VisualOptions.

        • SupportingVisuals (list) –

          The supporting visuals for the TopicVisual.

          • (dict) –

            The definition for a TopicVisual.

      • Template (dict) –

        The template for the CreateTopicReviewedAnswer.

        • TemplateType (string) –

          The template type for the TopicTemplate.

        • Slots (list) –

          The slots for the TopicTemplate.

          • (dict) –

            The definition for the slot.

            • SlotId (string) –

              The slot ID of the slot.

            • VisualId (string) –

              The visual ID for the slot.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'TopicId': 'string',
    'TopicArn': 'string',
    'SucceededAnswers': [
            'AnswerId': 'string'
    'InvalidAnswers': [
            'AnswerId': 'string',
    'Status': 123,
    'RequestId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • TopicId (string) –

      The ID for the topic reviewed answer that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

    • TopicArn (string) –

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.

    • SucceededAnswers (list) –

      The definition of Answers that are successfully created.

      • (dict) –

        The definition for a SucceededTopicReviewedAnswer.

        • AnswerId (string) –

          The answer ID for the SucceededTopicReviewedAnswer.

    • InvalidAnswers (list) –

      The definition of Answers that are invalid and not created.

      • (dict) –

        The definition for a InvalidTopicReviewedAnswer.

        • AnswerId (string) –

          The answer ID for the InvalidTopicReviewedAnswer.

        • Error (string) –

          The error that is returned for the InvalidTopicReviewedAnswer.

    • Status (integer) –

      The HTTP status of the request.

    • RequestId (string) –

      The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.


  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException

  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterValueException

  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException

  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.InternalFailureException