SageMaker / Client / update_hub_content_reference



Updates the contents of a SageMaker hub for a ModelReference resource. A ModelReference allows you to access public SageMaker JumpStart models from within your private hub.

When using this API, you can update the MinVersion field for additional flexibility in the model version. You shouldn’t update any additional fields when using this API, because the metadata in your private hub should match the public JumpStart model’s metadata.


If you want to update a Model or Notebook resource in your hub, use the UpdateHubContent API instead.

For more information about adding model references to your hub, see Add models to a private hub.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_hub_content_reference(
  • HubName (string) –


    The name of the SageMaker hub that contains the hub content you want to update. You can optionally use the hub ARN instead.

  • HubContentName (string) –


    The name of the hub content resource that you want to update.

  • HubContentType (string) –


    The content type of the resource that you want to update. Only specify a ModelReference resource for this API. To update a Model or Notebook resource, use the UpdateHubContent API instead.

  • MinVersion (string) – The minimum hub content version of the referenced model that you want to use. The minimum version must be older than the latest available version of the referenced model. To support all versions of a model, set the value to 1.0.0.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'HubArn': 'string',
    'HubContentArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • HubArn (string) –

      The ARN of the private model hub that contains the updated hub content.

    • HubContentArn (string) –

      The ARN of the hub content resource that was updated.


  • SageMaker.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFound

  • SageMaker.Client.exceptions.ResourceInUse