VerifiedPermissions / Client / exceptions / ValidationException


class VerifiedPermissions.Client.exceptions.ValidationException#

The request failed because one or more input parameters don’t satisfy their constraint requirements. The output is provided as a list of fields and a reason for each field that isn’t valid.

The possible reasons include the following:

  • UnrecognizedEntityType The policy includes an entity type that isn’t found in the schema.

  • UnrecognizedActionId The policy includes an action id that isn’t found in the schema.

  • InvalidActionApplication The policy includes an action that, according to the schema, doesn’t support the specified principal and resource.

  • UnexpectedType The policy included an operand that isn’t a valid type for the specified operation.

  • IncompatibleTypes The types of elements included in a set, or the types of expressions used in an if...then...else clause aren’t compatible in this context.

  • MissingAttribute The policy attempts to access a record or entity attribute that isn’t specified in the schema. Test for the existence of the attribute first before attempting to access its value. For more information, see the has (presence of attribute test) operator in the Cedar Policy Language Guide.

  • UnsafeOptionalAttributeAccess The policy attempts to access a record or entity attribute that is optional and isn’t guaranteed to be present. Test for the existence of the attribute first before attempting to access its value. For more information, see the has (presence of attribute test) operator in the Cedar Policy Language Guide.

  • ImpossiblePolicy Cedar has determined that a policy condition always evaluates to false. If the policy is always false, it can never apply to any query, and so it can never affect an authorization decision.

  • WrongNumberArguments The policy references an extension type with the wrong number of arguments.

  • FunctionArgumentValidationError Cedar couldn’t parse the argument passed to an extension type. For example, a string that is to be parsed as an IPv4 address can contain only digits and the period character.


except client.exceptions.ValidationException as e:

The parsed error response. All exceptions have a top level Error key that provides normalized access to common exception atrributes. All other keys are specific to this service or exception class.


    'message': 'string',
    'fieldList': [
            'path': 'string',
            'message': 'string'
    'Error': {
        'Code': 'string',
        'Message': 'string'


  • (dict) –

    The request failed because one or more input parameters don’t satisfy their constraint requirements. The output is provided as a list of fields and a reason for each field that isn’t valid.

    The possible reasons include the following:

    • UnrecognizedEntityType The policy includes an entity type that isn’t found in the schema.

    • UnrecognizedActionId The policy includes an action id that isn’t found in the schema.

    • InvalidActionApplication The policy includes an action that, according to the schema, doesn’t support the specified principal and resource.

    • UnexpectedType The policy included an operand that isn’t a valid type for the specified operation.

    • IncompatibleTypes The types of elements included in a set, or the types of expressions used in an if...then...else clause aren’t compatible in this context.

    • MissingAttribute The policy attempts to access a record or entity attribute that isn’t specified in the schema. Test for the existence of the attribute first before attempting to access its value. For more information, see the has (presence of attribute test) operator in the Cedar Policy Language Guide.

    • UnsafeOptionalAttributeAccess The policy attempts to access a record or entity attribute that is optional and isn’t guaranteed to be present. Test for the existence of the attribute first before attempting to access its value. For more information, see the has (presence of attribute test) operator in the Cedar Policy Language Guide.

    • ImpossiblePolicy Cedar has determined that a policy condition always evaluates to false. If the policy is always false, it can never apply to any query, and so it can never affect an authorization decision.

    • WrongNumberArguments The policy references an extension type with the wrong number of arguments.

    • FunctionArgumentValidationError Cedar couldn’t parse the argument passed to an extension type. For example, a string that is to be parsed as an IPv4 address can contain only digits and the period character.

    • message (string) –

    • fieldList (list) –

      The list of fields that aren’t valid.

      • (dict) –

        Details about a field that failed policy validation.

        • path (string) –

          The path to the specific element that Verified Permissions found to be not valid.

        • message (string) –

          Describes the policy validation error.

    • Error (dict) – Normalized access to common exception attributes.

      • Code (string) – An identifier specifying the exception type.

      • Message (string) – A descriptive message explaining why the exception occured.